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  • GCapplicant
    01-22 02:26 PM
    Recently , Immi officers are randomly dashing thru H1B sponsor companies ,where any H1B petitions have gone thru or waiting for renewal. NJ -

    So guess its getting tougher - They have set of questions - from POEntry date with eaxct details of the petitioner.

    How many H1's the company has issued , salary matching with Tax copies.

    Guess - if the company has no base or structure , the so called employees name inot there physically or the whereabouts .

    This happened today a checking in NJ. All the papers should be in hand

    Its getting tougher

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  • amslonewolf
    04-28 07:01 PM
    Matthew Ohs website has it.. Check out immigration-law..

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  • jayleno
    07-21 03:11 PM
    To a_yaja,

    Thanks for your detailed story my friend. This thread is turing into a support group for Amway/Quickstar victims.
    How is your experience with your childhood Amway friend. Still friends or just keeping in touch because he has the acess to the Amway database? :P

    [QUOTE=a_yaja;1971286]I have come across quite a few of the Amway/ Quickstart folks. Like most of the people have described here, they usually approach me in Walmart, Meijer, etc. My first experience was in the temple. This dude and his wife went "oh wow! you know so many languages." After talking to the dude, he said that he knew some of my childhood friends and he remembered my face and that we could have possibly played cricket together in our childhood days (this itself should have raised red flags - but I was naive then and didn't think twice). Long story short, we exchanged phone #s and next day he called me and asked me to meet him at his home. He was running an "ecomm business" and was looking for partners. I asked him if he was talking about Amway and he innocently asked me "What is Amway?" I agreed to meet him but something bothered me. I called up another childhood friend who was in Amway and asked him about this dude. Sure enough he was an Amway-ite and already a "Diamond". I was mad and did not go to his house. He called me a couple of times but I never picked up the phone.


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  • xbohdpukc
    03-18 12:57 PM
    Get a lawyer to answer your questions, they are beyond any competency floating around these forums.

    And don't listen to all this venting frustration. If you can get yourself a better deal within the limits of the current law -- go for it, and let everyone else burn in hell :)


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  • suhanya
    08-12 02:15 AM
    I am doing an employer change - HtoH transfer.

    Do I have to wait for the H1 transfer approval or is the receipt good
    enough for me to travel abroad? Do I have to get my new H1 stamped
    before reentering? I still have the dates on my old h1 (from AMD)
    valid on the stamping on my passport - will this suffice? Please

    Also my Advanced Parole is on its way. Will I be able to travel on EAD
    and AP, when my H1 transfer is being filed? Can I still hold on to my
    H1 status, if I traveled using my AP?


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  • ujjwal_p
    05-11 09:15 PM
    Thanks for being the self-designated, unpaid spokesperson for "we indians" and keeping track of accountable indians :)

    Nice one. I'll take that dig.


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  • hydboy77
    06-04 01:36 PM
    As JSB pointed out what you are asking already exists with an EAD, 180 days after filing 485 you can leave your current employer and join a new company as long as it is a same\semilar job. The problem with this same or semilar job is it is a ticking time bomb, the day USCIS decides to go after EAD they can have a restrictive interpretation of same and semilar job and deny your 485 or they can keep sending you employment verification letter rfe every couple of months. I am not being paranioid, for example even though AC 21 clearly states that once 180 days have passed since the 485 has been applied, the employee can join a new job and even if the previous employer has revoked the approved 140 it should not effect the 485 petition, but USCIS is not following this law and blindly sending 485 denial notices to applicants whose approved i140 was revoked by previous employer. Who knows what sort of abuse will USCIS resort to in the future against EAD.

    To prevent this we should work towards an administrative fix that once the 485 application is pre adjudicated the applicant should be left alone and not issed any Employment verification letter rfe, or semilar\same job restrictions if they are back logged because of country quota and face multiple year wait.

    Instead of Interim GC we should demand that once Labor and I-140 is approved remove the restriction wherein a person has to stay in same job type until GC approved in other words allow the person to take any job while I-485 is pending. This will be a big benefit and logically makes sense. If this happens than GC wait will not pigeon hole people's career in one job and allow them to grow and contribute to economy.

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  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 01:23 PM
    Let us all promise ourselves that we will not get personal with each other. No abusive, foul language.

    We can disagree with each other but we have to watch our tone and not engage in personal attacks.
    Oh God AmitJoye. Your sense of honour and right and worng was missed at least by me. Have you seen the posts here by all the esteemed senior members and donors of IV. And to top it all they are now asking me to explain my ideas (Prove my intention) but i see no proof of intention from them
    I fear that you really need a moderator to kill all abusive comments because they are doing more harm to IV and IV needs all teh new members it can get. An organisation like this needs new intake of fresh blood to keep running. I am surprised no one from core or admin has admonished the abusers. I had hoped they would be prevented from shooting themselves in the foot.

    PS on a side note i am now up to Minus 3000. That must a be a record. Sad day for everyone here on IV including me


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  • okuzmin
    07-12 12:27 PM
    lordoftherings, I doubt there is a country in the world that would fit all. I also doubt such a thing as "ideal immigration policy" exists. It is always good to have a job offer before you immigrate, but it's ultimately up to the immigrant to find out what it'll take to get on his/her feet in the new country.

    After reading (and watching videos of) all those sob stories on notcanada.com and the like about doctors, nurses, engineers who can't get a job or have to study for years to get a Canadian license to practice, I wonder how much of a research those folks did prior to coming to Canada. If a medical occupation requires studying for additional time and taking exams, then you should have learned about it. If engineers of your specialty are not in high demand, you can figure it out by going through Canadian job postings and contacting employers. If you are not willing to look for a job elsewhere but Toronto, then it's your problem: perhaps in Calgary the opportunities are more readily available. I have a friend in Montreal who owns an IT recruitment company. He told me that they are sending IT folks from Ontario to Alberta, since Alberta unemployment rate for IT professionals is currently at 0.5%.

    Bottom line is: research for yourself, ask different people, be flexible about where you want to live in the new country (hey, it's the country's demands you need to adjust to, not the other way around!) -- this will save you from many unpleasant surprises.

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  • chanduv23
    06-26 12:36 PM
    What I noticed is these kind of roumor comes from those who already filed and got their receipts :D :D

    Isn't it??? ;)

    Mid month retrogression is possible acc to Murthy but that may not happen in July

    Everything is a speculation here. USCIS is the winner - always keeps us guessing.

    Some optimistic coments I heard is - USCIS is now prepared to clear backlogs and will accept a lot of applications this month as they do not want this year's visa quota wasted.


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  • swamy
    12-13 10:35 PM
    in a nutshell:

    an end to retrogression for all
    increased GC quota
    it does remain though, one of our goals in the package because we believe it is fundamentally unfair and should not be apart of a skilled immigration program.

    why is this so hard for ppl to understand!

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  • bestia
    02-16 03:36 PM
    bestia, the people here keep saying "i don't see the reasoning in x, then x must be wrong and should change"
    u believe US intended diversity in DV lottery only and by mistake put it in DV, FB and EB.. you are entitled to your opinion, but good luck getting someone to take u seriosly with this argument
    again..i only mentioned race when people kept saying we (certainly their race) are better and brighter, outside correcting that context i would never have discussed it this way.
    peace.. have a soccer game now.. c u later

    I guess, you still have to answer the question: "How keeping people who are in US, having kids and families, on EAD/AP for years serves the purpose of diversity?"

    Ow, I can convince a lot of people, by saying that US government wasted thousands of visas for countries without any country caps. Therefore "diversity" is a lousy and crappy excuse, the real problem is a complete mess, obsolete laws, corruption, and laziness of USCIS.


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  • transpass
    09-03 05:28 PM
    Well, lemme give my 2 cents as I am from AP and follow politics very closely...I CAN TELL ONE THING - IF EVERYONE HAS THE SAME FACTS ABOUT SOME ISSUE, ESP. WITH ABOUT A PERSON, EVERYONE PRETTY MUCH COMES TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. So here are some of the facts, some first hand and some knowing by hailing from the area...

    I have first hand accounts about the person....There are corrupt guys and then there was YSR...to the extent most of you would not even believe!!! One of my friends was a police officer, and told me that YSR openly used to intimidate them if they did not oblige...

    It's funny someone mentioned that he had a vision, democratically elected etc., etc...My other friend comes from the same town as he, and told me how he literally 'ruled' the place with thuggery, force, intimidation, power, etc...

    Oh yeah sure he was a doctor...Did he not buy that degree through donation education from Karnataka, during good old days?

    Someone mentioned he was self made...He..Hee...He came from a well to do family, and then he made millions more through corruption, mining mafia, land grabbing, etc.

    We already have (too much) religious stuff playing politics in India. Instead of separating religion from politics, he took it up a notch...We have govt. paying the hajj pilgrims and now he was trying to have govt. pay for people who visit vatican...Sure, everybody is free to practice his/her own religion, but why should the tax payers pay for these trips?

    During the first term, it is a known fact that he allocated tons of treasury resources and govt. projects to his native area, even though other parts of the state desparately needed them...

    He sidelined other congress leaders in the state so that he would not have another voice...so much so that even though congress won many more lok sabha seats in AP than in TN, he made sure that no more than one or two MPs from AP become members of central cabinet (compared to 4 or 5 from TN congress and dmk alliance), so that he would not have a rival with power in AP. Forget about the other developmental benefits that AP could have availed by having central cabinet ministers. This is not a speculation, but following the way he ascended in politics, and the way he operates, it's not a rocket science to conclude that...

    When real estate in hyd exploded, he had his goons coming from his native place, illegally occupying the private land and govt. land alike. His brother and his goons are forcibly buying private land through intimidation. The sob even issued G.O. retroactively to pretty much legalize and take care of those forcible buyings.

    And by the way did I mention how many died since he turned politics into a sort of blood sport in Cuddaph district? People are already talking about making his son the CM. This is height of degeneration...What a pity...

    Now you might say, that's how it works in Indian politics, etc...But think about this way...

    He was a corrupt guy to the core, governs like a dictator, amasses ill-gotten wealth, eliminates rivals through intimidation and killings...In the process, none of the ordinary people did not have any betterment in their lives over the past 5 yrs. (with the exception of a few of his loyalists) and funny that the Indian new papers (or rather we should call them tabloids) are dubbing him 'Man of the people', etc.

    NOW TELL ME IF IT'S NOT A GOOD RIDDANCE, WHAT ELSE IS IT? I am not a proponent of someone dying an untimely death, but I am happy that it's a good riddance from the perspective of seeing an end to these dirty deeds, atleast from one person...I am positive everyone would atleast come to this conclusion...

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  • chantu
    03-30 02:06 PM
    The most of the guys posting in this thread is not going to vote. Even I think, we all do not have our names in electoral list. There is no sense in arguing who is best or who should be next PM, sitting in US. Furthermore, most of the educated, urban voters will never go to polling booth in hot summer to stand in line to do their duty as a citizen.. Indian�s election of their representatives is fundamentally a show of money and muscle power. Election in India is just a business. It is just investment of money by political parties with the help of capitalists and their lobbyist to get the vote from rural, uneducated, divided voters across the nation. All parties are corruptive, communal, divisive, plays vote bank politics. No exceptions! (whether it is Congress, BJP, communists, BSP, SP, and countless regional parties). One thing I can say or compare about Congress and BJP. Congress is the only party has responsible for bringing both good (economy, growth, education,) and bad (corruption and countless other) thing to India. BJP has not done any good thing to India sofar, only it brought bad things to India (divisive, corruption).

    My input regarding comparison of Manmohan and Advani.


    Though, he is not a full time politician, and not a good crowd pulling speaker, he has strong record. He has quietly achieved lot as a RBI governor; FM and PM. US nuclear agreement is a big achievement in his career, despite he had a minority government with the strong left opposition. He does not have long term independent vision, and strong leadership skills. He was widely accepted by all part of the country, as he has no controversial issues.


    He is a good speaker, crowd puller. He is a typical Indian politician. He has leadership skills. He does not have any significant record/achievement to back his claim for PM (either as a ex-minister or politician). For example, he has not done anything to improve the national security when he was a union home minister. He has involved in controversial issue like Babri Majit, and Ram temple issue. He also does not have long term vision, ideas on economy, poverty elimination etc..

    Ramba, can you please update your profile? I am surprised a Brazilian knows much about Indian politics.


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  • needhelp!
    09-29 10:34 AM
    Who sent the emails today?

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  • villamonte6100
    12-14 01:41 PM
    I totally agree with you.

    Think of lobbying as polite negotiation.
    Think of Supreme court case as picking a fist fight, in which we are badly out numbered.
    Once you have started a fist fight it is much harder to negotiate, especially from a loosing position.

    This is exactly correct. It is not the question of right or wrong here. That is what gets folks so upset on this thread, they feel since their viewpoint s right then.......... Most neutral observers like mbartosik can see this as unjust and there may be many in the US as well, however certainly not the majority. However, there are many ways in which this could backfire. One example is the recently seen debate over illegal immigration and the turn in public sentiment. Truth be told, if someone did something wrong 12 yrs ago(crossed the fence), now is married to a US citizen and has 3 US children, what do you do with them? What about the 3yr old who was brought to the USA by their parents and knows no other system? Perhaps a few years ago joe public would have given them a pass, no more, the debate has become so nasty that positions have been hardened to the point that reason does not prevail. Another reason has something to do with the perceived sense of entitlement Americans sensed in the illegal immigrant community(of course fanned by Lou Dobbs and his ilk). These are complex issues and generally you will get a lot further appealing to someones sense of fairness than explaining how you are entitled to something and will take it from them if it is not given to you.


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  • alex77
    08-18 01:50 PM
    Excellent observation. You deserve a green!

    Bollywood should first pay taxes, none of these icons, pay taxes legimately in India, remember them dancing in the partys of mafia, which is tied to terrorists, I think the agent did a great job in nabbing this guy. The VVIP mentality should end in India. Stupid illeterate politicians are over playing this, Ambika Soni should do what she is supossed to do in her office.

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  • chintanop
    07-03 04:21 PM
    Hi all,

    Regarding the recent goofup by USCIS, please rate this story

    http://digg.com/politics/No_July_4th_Celebrations_for_Highly_Skilled_Future _Americans/who

    if this receives more than 100 users rating for the story in next 5-10 hours - it would be displayed on the first page. Digg.com is read by hundreds of thousands of web users and there is high chance of getting picked by main stream media.

    Note that you ll have to signup as digg.com member to rate it - it ll just take 30 secs of your time.

    Sorry I wasn't able to submit the official IV prlog.com url since it is not accepted by Digg.


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  • dallasdude
    05-29 12:31 PM
    Otherwise how would you explain the sudden rise in EB1 filings and a quota which never used to be over in previous years suddenly has cut-off dates.
    If we keep quiet, these same clowns will use up all the visas and smirk at us for filing in the "lower" categories. What a backdoor to a green card! :mad:

    Those clowns will rot in hell! All those unworthy idiots will never make it here till the end.

    10-04 04:55 PM

    Once u sent ur application, did nt u have to go for an interview and then a Physical. Also, I have heard that to get PR stamped onto ur passport, u actually need to physically enter Canada. Kindly confirm?
    I did not have interview. I had my interview waived.

    Once all the processing is complete, they will ask you send you the passports. They will give you PR visas which will be valid untill 1 year from your medicals. You have to land before the visa expiry dates.Once you land in Canada, they will take a Canadian address to send the PR card to you. You can give friends address in Canada.

    09-15 06:22 PM
    Even I will donate if I can just apply for I-485

    Your PD will be current by Sep 2010. Or if you are lucky you may get GC by that time.

    If you get GC donate to IV.