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  • indianindian2006
    09-09 03:35 PM
    Wife called all of them I am starting to call now

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  • sanju
    05-15 10:24 AM
    Based on the June Bulletin, I will be filing my I485 in June.

    Now, I have H1-B(with my current company till Feb'2010 that I just got approved a month back.(not stamped in passport yet)

    -- Should I file EAD for myself ( I probably would want to change jobs after 180 days) ? Or is it better to be on H1-B.
    -- Should I file AP for both myself and my wife(she is on H4) ?

    Also, when I decide to change jobs using AC21 rule, is it better to tranfer
    H1-B to a new company or if I have EAD, how does that work ?

    Any inputs will be greatly appreciated..!!


    If I were you, I would apply for EAD and AP for spouse and self immediately. You never know when you may need it. Say, your company announces a merger and your entire department is wiped out and you have to leave before coming Friday. It would be almost impossible to find another employer who will send the new H-1B application before Friday. In such instances EAD will help to keep you in status. EAD card for spouse will allow her to apply for SSN and thus Drivers license. AP for wife will help to travel out of country after you have used EAD. So in short, I would apply for all the docs for all members of the family. This could result in spending couple of hundred dollars but will help secure peace of mind.

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  • pop
    01-18 11:26 AM
    What does your attorney say about it? What is his choice?

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  • Abhinaym
    08-07 09:59 AM
    If you already have applied in EB2 you won't be affected.
    If you have a Masters you won't be affected.

    I have a small doubt here. I'm still trying to understand this porting business. Why is that those who have already applied in EB2/Masters will not be affected?

    If people with earlier PD port to EB2, it will make my processing longer, no? (IFF my PD is later than theirs')

    I'm not for or against this action of yours, but just curious about your assertion. Please let me know.


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  • TUnlimited
    09-15 09:03 PM
    Did you have LUD on your I 140?
    Nope. Why?

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  • nrk
    10-22 09:53 AM

    Two of my friends still waiting for GC, they have PD August 2004 and Nov 2004, i will pass this information to them (They were not on this forum)

    Yeah, I believe we still have people from 2004 waiting (and that includes me!!)

    Here are some ways of contacting USCIS - Immigration: 12 Ways to Contact USCIS and FBI to Check Case Status (http://immigrationroad.com/green-card/contact-uscis-fbi.php#)

    Good luck to all!


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  • BlueSkyPro
    07-09 07:22 PM
    Re-route the flower from USCIS to the two hospitals makes the flowers go steps farther and will definately make bigger noise to get attention. That is great.

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  • SunnySurya
    08-07 02:38 PM
    I think, you meant earlier. No I won't because it won't yield anything. Its water under the bridge.
    EB2 folks with PD 2006 and later and also those in TX center, beware!

    He might file a lawsuit against you guys as well for 'skipping' the line.



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  • chanduv23
    06-12 12:18 PM
    I support you L1Fraud.

    Guys: This has become a major problem at every place. If we do not take any action, every one of us will be replaced by these BIG outsource companies with L1 and B1.

    I already reported this to ICE about violations of CTS which has placed their L1's at client's place for the past 2 years. And still they have several people.

    You may not believe their pay. I do not want to put a number here and it will be a shame on CTS for misusing L1. They replaced 18 American Workers at my client's pace. Whatever you guys might think, this is a FRAUD.

    As you are a very active IV member and helped with so many campaigns. I would request you to take an additional step towards resolving such issues.

    (1) Voilating the law is not right and we must all be against it
    (2) If you are concerned about L1 fraud - please make a case by writing a detailed document.
    (3) Gather people who think their job is at threat because of FRAUD and form a group
    (4) Talk to lawyer and seek opinion
    (5) Understand the process and collectively report to appropriate authorities to take action
    (6) Talk to your law makers
    (7) Run a strong campaign on IV- gather support from other organizations etc..
    (8) Keep everything open - like posting everything on forums and nothing to hide.



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  • vishwak
    03-29 09:04 AM
    I read the news too at The Oh Law Firm (http://www.immigration-law.com/)

    Hope this hold and comes true. All the best to my brothers and me.


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  • singhsa3
    08-20 10:55 PM
    Thats exactly what it is... Now folks take a look here. These were the dates before July 2007.
    It will be resonable to assume that these will be the dates in OCT bulletien for Eb3-I.
    Finally, 5882 is our only hope for now.

    With the earlier method or the current method, EB3-I will always end up last. Vertically EB3-ROW gets the excess visas (old method), horizontally EB2-I gets the excess visas (new method). So, either way EB3-I won't benefit, the only solace being that with the current system atleast our EB2-I friends are getting their freedom faster.

    For us, visa recapture or other legislative changes are the only relief.

    BTW, my PD is June 2003, EB3-I

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  • pcs
    06-21 04:19 PM
    At one post , I read this ???

    Can some one confirm if we need to attach the copy of labor certificate ?


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  • nixstor
    06-29 04:29 PM
    Here is why it will not happen on the first 3 or 4 days atleast.

    This is not like H1B, which was hyped around for 2 months and forced every one to file on Apr 1st. More over it has a cap of 65k on it.

    The most imp thing is there must be some rationale or logic (other than for fees etc) behind how they could make every category current. Some of you might know that DOS gives USCIS visa numbers quarterly. It means that the final quarter quota has not opened yet. The final quarter quota for EB1/2/3 is around 22000 (approx 7500X3). The EB5 leftovers ( conservatively 9000 , see 2006 stats) will also be added to the EB1 and possibly down to EB2/3 . The total number of visas that will be available to USCIS on Jul 2nd (first fiscal day of final quarter)is 31-33,000. The per country limits are relaxed in the final quarter so that unused go to the over subscribed countries.

    DOS has to be utterly dumb, insane and ludacris to make every category current, if these 33K are the only numbers available. If DOS and USCIS has statistics for the first 3 quarters ( first 2 quarters + 2 months of 3rd quarter) telling that all the visa numbers released were in the previous quarters were consumed 100%, they would not make it current. That kinda tells us that the numbers allocated in the first 3 quarters were severely under utilized. How severely? No one knows as DOS does not do per quarter statistics.

    More over, If its written into law that DOS can only issue VB once per month, and cannot update it during the month, they cannot do a damn thing. If it's not, it comes down to the implementation and interpretation of the agency. USCIS and DOS can release an updated bulletin if they get an over whelming filings for EB 485. Again, there is not enough time for USCIS/DOS to prepare like they did for H1, because the rumor has been out for 4 or 5 days. It might happen in the 2nd week or so if its not written into law.

    The sad part is lawyers who are supposed to give concrete information are driving these insane rumors and the beneficiaries are going crazy. Looks like some lawyers have to understand that "Some key strokes can cause significant damage to their reputation"

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  • voicerj
    03-30 04:17 PM
    i wish it should be current or atleast near to current.

    + 1


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  • kushaljn
    01-04 02:06 AM
    Did anyone who was given that yellow form and asked that he/she would receive an email get email from the consulate.

    Was any one successfully receive a visa stamp after being referred to PIMS system?
    What is the time line for such visa stamps?

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  • singhv_1980
    02-12 10:52 AM
    I am also stuck in PIMS.. here are my details

    H1 renewal and change of employer
    H1 approved in March 2007
    Service center: WAC

    Visa appointment on Feb 11 at mumbai
    Documents submitted to VFS on Jan 28

    On feb 11 I went to consulate and it was a long wait.. overall it took 3 hours to finish everything. When I went inside they handed over my application to me and I noticed that "Not in" was written on my DS156 form on top right corner box. here is the communication with IO

    IO: so you are working for xyz company.
    me: yes
    IO: what are you doing for them
    me: explained my role and skills
    IO: are you working inhouse or at client place
    me: gave client name and details
    IO: till which date you are going to work for this client
    me: gave details
    IO: everything looks fine in your case but similar to what I have told everyone else due to the new system we need to verify your data and it will take about a week for that. (and then he wrote PIMS on my form)
    me: I have a return ticket on so and so date...... can I expect before that.
    IO: your case is pending only for the online verification unlike other administrative processing so it should take about a week so you should be fine.

    he then gave passport back with some envelop and also one yellow paper by selecting following option in that paper

    "when administrative processing is completed on your case, you will be contacted and requested to submit your passport, this letter and the accompanying envelope to the nearest VFS office."

    though he selected this option, he specifically wrote PIMS on my form.

    Note that PIMS problem was there for lot of cases on that day as he explicitly told me that he had to do this for lot of cases.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Hope you will get your PP soon.

    Good Luck!


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  • pansworld
    07-09 08:42 PM
    Stating something like:

    We could not have been happier with that passing of the flowers to the brave men and women who protect and serve this country. We also hope that our message was not lost in translation.

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  • aj_jadeja
    07-09 09:22 PM
    just curious .

    to fwd all these flowers will it cost uscis anything ?

    btw i m very happy that he has acknowledged our issue :)



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  • sgsg
    01-22 12:04 PM
    I tried calling KCC and they denied to provide any information on PIMS.

    My H1B was approved in Mar 2007 for 7th year extension. I also had my H1 transfer on May 2005.

    09-25 02:12 PM
    The only thing I can tell is most of us are trying to search "light" from this "black and dark cloud". USCIS does not seem to be agree with what you are saying. Please have this trend chart and the worksheet in this thread together and then you will realize what we all are saying.:)

    Trend chart doesnt give you shit...its just an overall count
    I am referring to the PDF report - which clearly mentions that the numbers are for pending Employment based 485 applications. And yet people refer to this report and ask stupid questions or over-analyze it...

    07-11 12:27 AM
    You are missing the "Support from Bollywood" article from your website! We will keep reporting here. Thanks for doing a great job.

    It has been updated now with that information.