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  • pondosinatra
    Sep 30, 09:26 AM
    He sure loves pocket doors...

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  • NewSc2
    Oct 2, 06:01 PM
    psh, you all are mistaken. this is the best evidence YET that Merom MBP's will be released at Photokina, with updated chassis and everything under the sun included.


    on another note, my friends that have other-branded mp3 players and sometimes lament that they can't purchase off of iTunes. also they'd like to switch from their mp3 player to an iPod but they don't want to deal with re-encoding all their files from wma to mp3.

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  • JoeG4
    Mar 9, 12:38 AM
    Apple isn't all that strikingly inventive, companies have been making touch screen candybar phones for a very long time. Apple was not the first, and they weren't really the first to retail-ize the smartphone either. Shoot, they weren't the first to make a dockable smartphone by far. XD

    They weren't the first to USB either: All sorts of machines (Compaqs, Sonys, and Packard Bells come to mind) had USB ports before the iMac came to be.

    I dunno, I can think of a lot of things that Apple wasn't the first to do, however it's definitely hard NOT to agree that some companies copy Apple to dubious extents.

    Take this for example

    Or uh.. hrm..
    all those HP laptops coming out right now? XD

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.


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  • yellow
    Apr 11, 01:47 PM
    I purchased a stay at this Castle. I hope the wife likes it.

    What are you doing with a camera shot of my servant's quarters? :confused:

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  • noodlelegs
    Jan 4, 12:29 PM
    It's January 4th and no sign of the Verizon iPhone. Oh well, there's always next year.


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  • D'Illusion
    Oct 4, 09:23 AM
    If the garage is detached, what does he do when it's raining?


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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 18, 07:40 AM
    Wow, so the finder is finally giving us, what other OS' had for years. I wonder what the fanboys will say now, after defending this lack of a feature for years.

    I suspect along the lines that apple innovates again and creates a brand new feature :p

    I don't know which iPhone users were you talking about.

    Everyone wanted multi-tasking; there are hypocrites, but can't believe any body touting that multi-tasking is bad or could be bad.


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  • croooow
    Apr 8, 01:26 PM
    Why would you run a promotion on something that sells out the moment they come into inventory?...

    It's not to promote the iPad 2, it's to promote BestBuy (get people into the stores and try to get them to buy other stuff. iPad accessories or maybe some of the other rubbish they have in there)

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Nov 16, 09:44 AM
    Perhaps but they are not competing right now on either products or road maps.

    You don't change vendor like the wind blows. Apple has a history of using many makers of parts. Face it dual core athlons are more chip then most folks need. Ati would only have to say hey look at this combo for X dollars. Ati & Apple go way back.


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  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:05 AM
    I like this thread. I like it a lot.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Sep 12, 07:52 AM
    i just get a broken link from itunes and the apple site.. no black showtime screen.. but hey.. somethings happening!! :D

    Same here


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  • dejo
    May 2, 01:09 PM
    I read somewhere that congress wants to know why NSA has a security expert over at Apple...
    NSA does not have a security expert at Apple. Apple has a security expert who used to be with the NSA. Big difference.

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  • wovel
    Mar 28, 04:00 PM
    So..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.


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  • qtx43
    Apr 16, 09:38 AM
    ... "Apple seriously need to reconsider leaving out 3G and the ability to install software if they want to make it in the smart phone business", a phone that doesn't let you install new software is by definiton not a smart phone. ...I find this whole "Apple invented the smartphone" argument amusing. But your sentence there, in all its self-contradictory glory, gets to the heart of the matter. The word 'smartphone' preexisted the iPhone (by your own admission). So no matter what new features it had, and however much it revolutionized the market, the iPhone was not the first smartphone. Come up with a new word, maybe GeniusPhone. Apple likes the word 'genius'.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 15, 07:47 PM

    Image from Droid Life (http://www.droid-life.com/2011/03/07/google-music-syncing-to-the-cloud-working-on-android-2-3-3-roms/)
    All Things Digital reports (http://mediamemo.allthingsd.com/20110415/google-music-label-talks-going-backwards/)

    Considering the source "All Things Digital", Apple's personal mouthpiece, it's no wonder it has a Pro-Apple bias.

    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.


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  • Feng Shui
    Sep 28, 10:21 PM
    omg Steve Jobs please build myHouse.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 9, 09:12 AM
    UK specs have been updated.

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  • wildmac
    Oct 2, 03:46 PM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    No honor among theives... :cool:

    Sep 12, 07:43 AM
    Very good point. I've never seen it called the iTunes Store before by Apple. It can't be a coincidence.

    I'm sure this was cause for much discussion at Apple. iMovie is taken obviously. iTunes is already very well known, so they must have decided to just stick with that. The "i" doesn't really mean a whole lot anymore anyway (iWeb = Internet Web?!), so why should the "Tunes". ;)

    What about iMedia???

    Jan 9, 03:20 PM
    There's a ticker? I've been using a custom style sheet for about 2 years now and I guess I don't even know what is on some sites. Probably a bunch of ads.

    All I know is that I put up on all of my IM clients an away message that said don't spoil it for me and someone skyped me and ruined a little bit of it. I don't really care about that specific thing though, so it wasn't a big deal.

    I just want to watch the keynote. A group of us took off work for the WWDC keynote and I'm off for this one too. I decided at about 8:55 PST that I would wait for the keynote later and I've been on errands since. Unless they are encoding it on a Pismo, it should be up soon...

    Heh, a Pismo. That would rule.

    Apr 29, 07:36 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=283487&stc=1&d=1304105242)

    You mean to the right of the search field, and when Lion is released w/o dbg libs running the Ram requirements and performance will improve smoothly for the Airs to run just fine.

    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    God, I hope the Macbook Pros get updated before Macworld, but honestly Macworld is only 90 days away...

    I will drink to that!

    Apr 5, 04:53 PM
    Awesome. Do they have an app?

    Why yes they do. And it's FREE!!!
