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puppies and dogs together

puppies and dogs together. cute puppies and dogs. picture
  • cute puppies and dogs. picture

  • mcaleead
    Apr 4, 08:52 AM
    Of these houses, I know all three families across the street, they would not break into my place, nice families. Two of the houses on the street behind me are either for sale or undergoing renovations so that eliminates them. The third house is this 80 year old man who I would guess still has a black and white TV and can walk about as fast as a snail. Don't think he's the burglar type.

    The other couple of houses are the ones I don't know the neighbors. One has some teenage kids (I believe) and that is the one that always seems to be home or having the TV on when my 360 is on my network.

    Don't discount the houses undergoing renovations. It's not impossible that workmen are using it there until they finish the job to keep themselves amused... My parents got burgled by the cable installation people when they were doing our street. Twice. In two weeks.

    Hope you have good luck finding it all the same! Have you presented the police with this evidence?

    puppies and dogs together. up little dogs together.
  • up little dogs together.

  • Benjy91
    May 3, 01:55 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Because now they're doing this, it's only a matter of time before they turn their heads to iOS?

    puppies and dogs together. Dogs
  • Dogs

  • Yannick
    Oct 17, 09:53 AM
    yawn! the disc is dead.
    (dying, at least.)

    I personnally don't agree. Movies you can buy and download still have poorer resolution, only one language, no bonus. Plus it takes so much room on your hard drive! You end up having to burn them anyway on a disc, or having to buy two huge hard drives for backup/safety purpose in case your hard drive dies. I own something like 150 DVD. That's about 1 TB (2 TB if you backup)� You really can't compare it to the music situation. Movies on DVD are cheaper than music CD. I get brand new DVDs through internet for an average of 7 � ($8.77). For me to buy a movie on iTunes, it would have to sell for 3 or 4 � ($4 or $5) to be worth it.

    puppies and dogs together. dogs together)
  • dogs together)

  • ghostface147
    Apr 29, 02:08 PM
    Seems to be a strong update, unlike SL. SL was more a plumbing change for many things (IMO) and Lion will be making strong use of those changes. For that reason, that's why I believe it'll cost around 100 bucks.


    puppies and dogs together. Puppy Adoption Camp at
  • Puppy Adoption Camp at

  • Tsunami911
    Apr 8, 01:02 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    puppies and dogs together. dogs,cute puppy kittens If
  • dogs,cute puppy kittens If

  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 03:19 PM
    1. What business is it if a pediatrician asks if there are guns in the home? A child is more likely to get hit by a car, should the doctor be asking if their home is situated on a street? This reeks of a doctor playing politics.


    puppies and dogs together. Her cute puppies together dogs
  • Her cute puppies together dogs

  • jettredmont
    Sep 25, 08:23 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    I have an experiment for those that say "My car runs fine on Chevron gas."

    1. Use parking break.

    2. Try accellerating to freeway speeds.

    Report back when done.

    Seriously, you realize that the "straightening tool" is not a free-form rotation tool, right? It's optimized for 1-10 degree straightenings, not flipping the picture around.

    That having been said, yes, straightening is maddeningly slow on G5s (also on iPhoto ... I have dual 2.0 G5s, and fullscreen or even windowed straightening stutters all over the place). They've got an algorithm problem there (or, more likely, an algorithm which doesn't check for a "break" often enough, which makes it unresponsive and seem really slow). But, the test for that isn't doing a 180-degree rotation on an image; the test is trying to get a correct 1.25 degree rotation when the tools seem to be fighting with you.

    The key is this: they could fix the tool to work perfectly for straightening, and still flipping the image around 180 degrees would be slow as molasses to render. Which is just fine, because the 90-degree rotate works fast as can be.

    puppies and dogs together. Dogs And Puppies Together.
  • Dogs And Puppies Together.

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 01:09 AM
    As for the Karma, I found a iPhone 4 at Macy's 2-days before shopping with my girlfriend, and I didn't think twice about not turning it in. I made this woman's day when she got it back. So I figured hey, maybe that was a little something I got for doing something honest a few days before

    Wow. You deserve a gold star.


    puppies and dogs together. http://puppies-and-dogs.com/
  • http://puppies-and-dogs.com/

  • hexor
    Jul 21, 12:10 PM
    They really seem to believe that everyone is naive.

    As Apple themselves have pointed out, the number of displayed bars on a phone is often not very meaningful.

    What's important, is how much dBm change occurs and especially whether or not the connection drops.

    Ok but the problem is that 99% of the people are naive and only pay attention to the bars they see on the screen.

    puppies and dogs together. Puppies Sleeping Together
  • Puppies Sleeping Together

  • FrankBlack
    Jan 12, 07:22 PM
    While I also have some level of disappointment over the lack of any new Mac hardware, or even a progress report on 10.5, I suspect there was a reason for it. I think the reason may very well have been to emphasize Apple's move from being just a computer and iPod maker, to a maker of high-end consumer electronic products. The iPhone (assuming that they get to keep this name) is probably just the first of these products.


    puppies and dogs together. rehoming pets
  • rehoming pets

  • gugy
    Aug 8, 12:15 PM
    I have an old 23" monitor and it's flawless.
    I heard about people having issues, but I guess I am a lucky guy.

    puppies and dogs together. Dalmatian Puppy Dog
  • Dalmatian Puppy Dog

  • snowmoon
    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.

    There are 2 gaping holes in this commercial. Looking at the map I'm positive Verizon is counting 1xRTT in their footprint, just like they have stopped giving a breakdown on their coverage map by calling all data access "Broadband". They are also using some weird algorithm for their map as looking at even basic phone coverage 50% or more of upstate NY should be white. Not because Verizon's got a bad network, but because it's wilderness and farm country.

    Unfortunately none of the YouTube videos clearly show the weaselease at the end of the commercial that I'm sure will show how they have manipulated this map.


    puppies and dogs together. Graphic Dead family pet dogs
  • Graphic Dead family pet dogs

  • steelfist
    Oct 19, 11:24 AM
    and then there will be numerous viruses for the mac that will be unleashed into the wild.

    and then norton will have numerous profits from mac viruses, along with windows viruses.

    the two bad news i'm worried most from this.

    aside from that, means more games , and software support along with hardware support should be increasing as well which are good.

    it seems that most of the profits came from college students and travelers, as hh has noted. i thought the imac had strong sales, but it's easy to see why the notebook familly has such good sales.

    oh, and i hope the laptops won't get any thinner. apple's having a big problem with cooling their laptops already. it's not worth having so much problems by cutting a few mms off the height.

    puppies and dogs together. Alaskan Malamute Puppies
  • Alaskan Malamute Puppies

  • err404
    May 2, 11:52 AM
    I didn't say that opting in to the crowd sourced database affected your device, I'm saying that now that the tin-foil hat brigade have an option to completely disable this cached database file, _that_ could affect performance for things like Maps because it will have to calculate position from new data every time.

    The only way to remove the cache after 4.3.3 will be to disable location services. They wont have poor location service performance, they will have none. :rolleyes:


    puppies and dogs together. puppies, dog care and
  • puppies, dog care and

  • gwangung
    Jan 15, 09:06 PM
    Blogging isn't journalism, otherwise Mrs Weisman down the street who blogs about her bridge club is a journalist. Did we really learn nothing from the Engadget Apple stock thing?

    Well, actually, not quite...A journalist reports. If you report, you're a journalist. Some folks are better at it than others.

    puppies and dogs together. Puppies And Dogs Wallpapers.
  • Puppies And Dogs Wallpapers.

  • jessica.
    Apr 12, 01:02 PM
    a gift from my fiance. Not quite a personal purchase. I have a little obsession with cupcakes.

    http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/2345/photokhu.jpg (http://img26.imageshack.us/i/photokhu.jpg/)

    I'm quite curious how well this works and if it is worth the hassle. It's not that hard to stick the batter in a pan and toss it in the oven. ;)
    I have a small cupcake obsession. I'd rather bake them then eat them it seems because they often go to waste.


    puppies and dogs together. herder together with the
  • herder together with the

  • batchtaster
    May 3, 09:59 PM
    >mfw tough guy thinks he can write/draw with his sausage fingers

    So.... many.... lines......... about......... my fingers...................... I..... will....... resist.

    puppies and dogs together. cute puppies and dogs.
  • cute puppies and dogs.

  • MyDesktopBroke
    Apr 11, 03:59 PM
    Anyone who says that is taking the mickey. As a mac user of over a decade I can say I'm quite happy that I can run Windows 7 on my mac.

    People on both sides of the OS war (or the console war, or Pepsi/Coke war, or the Marvel/DC war, etc.) are either trolls or severely lacking in the "life" department.

    puppies and dogs together. a of dogs, puppies,
  • a of dogs, puppies,

  • robshort
    Jan 15, 04:44 PM
    Still. No. Flash. On. My. Iphone.

    W. T. F??!

    May 2, 10:50 AM
    Google's approach is completely different. When phones running the Google OS detect any wireless network, they beam its MAC address, signal strength and GPS coordinates to Google servers, along with the unique ID of the handset.

    You can check if any androids have reported your home network to google by inputting your router's MAC here:



    Apple on the other hand decided to go above the law, after all it must feel powerful now that they have starving Chinese sweatshop workers sign suicide agreements after known they will be driven to the point of no return

    Don't panic
    Apr 27, 04:30 PM
    You're not. Look back a bit, for one of my posts.

    Just knock out the wall between, put stalls where urinals are, and you're done.

    Bonus: You now have both an entrance and an exit.

    I r analyst. :D

    May 4, 08:42 PM
    My thoughts.

    "Do you have a firearm in the home?"
    "It should be locked up or have a trigger guard."
    "NO ****?"

    I'll refer you to my earlier post. The stupidity of some people will never fail to astound you.

    Mar 29, 08:46 AM
    Yes, the App Store can give you exposure, but you still have to market and sell your solution for people to find you or want you. Plus, the AppStore is one outlet and your other outlets should never be abandoned.

    Yes, but you can't have it both ways. A successful Mac App Store from your perspective means more Apple customers use it to find apps. In my experience to date, this means those other "outlets" become less and less profitable. Marketing is a numbers game and a major disruption like the Mac App Store can quickly shift those numbers to the negative. In my case it is no longer profitable to maintain some of those "other outlets".

    Here's a specific example: Google AdWords. Before the Mac App Store opened, many customers gravitated first to Google search to find an app. I would pay for AdWords placement and if I got a click-through I could be assured that my website exclusively captured the attention. Yes, my app still had to be good enough to capture a sale but at least there were no other competitors there -- and no freebie alternatives (except for demos/trials).

    The same strategy no longer works with the Mac App Store. First, the traffic in Google search is reduced as more Apple customers gravitate to the Mac App Store first. My conversions costs showed a clear trend upward as soon as the Mac App Store opened (other competitors in my app space have also dropped away from AdWords indicating similar escalating conversion costs). Furthermore, if I try to drive customers to the Mac App Store to buy, to increase my exposure therein, I incur the AdWord conversion costs, plus the 30% to Apple and a reduced price in the Mac App Store to compete in the race to the bottom. Clearly AdWords is a losing strategy in this case.

    However... you're point on price is one to be considered. If you want to get impulse buys, you have to be impulsed priced.

    That's fine if the volume was worthwhile. What I am saying is that impulse buy volume is NOT there at any price to even approach what I was making in my market space before. I've been in the #1 spot for my category and it was not a windfall.

    I say again, the Mac App Store has depressed the sales volume and gross in my category for everyone. This is not a success in the sense of encouraging a vibrant and growing Mac software market. I felt that before the Mac App Store opened that the Mac software market was reaching a critical mass and that developers found it increasingly attractive. The Mac App Store has crushed that IMO and I am not sure it will return unless Apple makes huge percentage gains in the traditional PC market (and recent trends show it is leveling off).

    Please don't take me wrong... I'm not saying you're wrong... just pointing out that the AppStore does not guarantee anything if you don't have good sales and marketing behind it. Also, you have to have software people want.

    How exactly would you suggest to market in the Mac App Store? I can't buy ad placement. Lowering my price to 99 cents hasn't given me exposure. I need some (ethical) ideas. :p

    Lord Blackadder
    May 5, 06:36 PM
    Dude. I haven't once mentioned a ban.

    These days I'd be satisfied with a hint of awareness.

    Fair enough. It took your statement as referring to bans.

    Frankly awareness, or more specifically education, is the only solution. Gun owners need more education, particularly those who arm themselves for home defense or concealed carry. If citizens are expected to demonstrate proficiency in driving a car before being allowed on the road - and further proficiency for special kinds of driving (such as racing licenses, commercial licenses, limousine drivers, police driving training etc etc), then gun owners should get considerably more training in self-defense with firearms. Most hunters agree that mandatory hunter-safety classes are a good idea. If that is the case, self-defense training is even more necessary.

    Furthermore, the public at large needs to be more educated about laws, regulations and firearms themselves. Fear of firearms can be healthy. Willfull ignorance towards them, not so much.