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  • jclardy
    Apr 5, 03:41 PM
    I wonder if they are letting users view the ads "for free" or if the companies are getting charged for each click inside the gallery.

    I really hope the companies budget isn't being spent that way, as it means even less iAd inventory for other applications.

    For the companies it probably doesn't matter either way, although if it was free for them then it is better for them and might make them buy more ad inventory.

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Aug 10, 08:54 AM
    I wonder if all of you people who are proposing a diesel/diesel hybrid are Europeans, because in America, diesel is looked at as smelly and messy - it's what the trucks with black smoke use.

    Furthermore, George Bush, arguably in the pockets of the oil co.'s, said "America is addicted to oil", and then went on to say how we should get rid of oil use. Not switch to more efficient fuels like diesel, but other tech. I'm sorry, but I just don't see America ever becoming a diesel nation again.

    As far as the Chevy Volt goes, I just don't like the name... but the price is right assuming they can get it into the high $20,000's rather quickly.

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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Jul 21, 10:23 AM
    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    That campaign was saying "Look what we can do that you can't."

    That is proper advertising and the way it should be done.

    This campaign says "Look, you're just as bad as we are."

    I'm a Mac raised the bar, this thing just pulls the bar down.

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  • Matthew Yohe
    Mar 28, 10:22 PM
    I think we are headed towards a "locked down" OS X, FWIW.

    Uh, no.


    nature wallpapers for desktop hd. nature wallpapers for desktop hd. Nature Wallpaper; Nature Wallpaper. teesquared. Apr 26, 12:17 PM. Amazon charges its cloud service too.
  • nature wallpapers for desktop hd. Nature Wallpaper; Nature Wallpaper. teesquared. Apr 26, 12:17 PM. Amazon charges its cloud service too.

  • technicolor
    Nov 24, 10:40 AM
    I'm about to hit the store. I asked last year about doubling up my education discount and the Black Friday one. I was told that I couldn't. :(

    The EPP still seems valid today though according to the web store. My brother has an EPP through this company vs. the government. It'll hopefully still hold true.

    I'll be going up to the Apple Store within the hour. I'll post from there. :D
    Thanks , let us know man!

    I wont be going until way later so I wont have a way to confirm until tonite.

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  • japanime
    Mar 25, 03:46 AM
    the release in retrospect was a milestone in Apple's transformation from a struggling computer company into the major technology behemoth it is today.

    Odd choice of words. "Behemoth" is most often used to describe something that that it is so large that it is unpleasant. And "major behemoth" is redundant.


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  • solvs
    Jan 10, 11:45 PM
    All of this to gain what?:(
    Attention. Or to make a lame joke that went way too far. I would be more shocked if they weren't banned from CES, and probably others. I doubt they'll get banned from Macworld this late in the game, especially after having come clean instead of someone else finding out and outing them, but they'll probably be watched more. Anything goes wrong, they'll be the first to be blamed, even if it's just a copycat. I wouldn't be surprised to find those affected not wanting to advertise anytime soon either, nor sending them products for awhile. Free advertising or not. Businesses aren't really known to have senses of humors about such things. A prank is a prank, but this is big business here and they're supposed to be professionals. There goes any credibility they had left.

    They may not get any punishment for it, but if they want to make sure something similar (or worse) doesn't happen again, I'm sure they'll be more careful, but I'm also thinking those affected might want to make an example of the pranksters and the site.

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  • bikertwin
    Sep 25, 03:47 PM
    Yes, a very good point. And it makes me wonder if Adobe will ever charge for it. In fact, now they have rebranded it Adobe "Photoshop" Darkroom, it leads me to believe it will be included as part of Photoshop and not as a seperate product. This might also be why they haven't released it yet, since the next version of Photoshop isn't finished. This strategy would undercut Apple since most photography professionals undoubtedly already own Photoshop and will upgrade.

    No, Adobe is claiming Lightroom will be released in late early a good 3 months before PS CS3.

    I think with this rebranding, they're positioning Lightroom between PS Elements and PS CS, hence PS Lightroom.


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  • roadbloc
    Apr 8, 11:58 AM
    You can say that about any consumer product.
    Speaking in general terms, MS has added more to windows, improved performance and reduced the bloat with win7.

    Apple has gone the opposite direction, adding bloat and no major feature since 10.5

    +1. Hopefully Lion will be worth the added system requirements.

    Anyways, he features I've heard that are to new to Windows 8 so far is:

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  • Dunepilot
    Nov 17, 08:09 AM
    It's the Brit pronunciation - like that extra syllable that they throw into aluminum...

    Or rather that we haven't removed a letter 'i' from that word.



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  • Konfabulation
    Oct 15, 12:41 PM
    Apples Releases its 3Q numbers after the market close this Wednesday. There have been many times where Jobs has used blow out earnings announcements to launch new products in tandem. I wouldnt be surprised if they launched the video/wireless during their earnings call on Wed.
    But when have thhey ever announced new products on a wednesday? Except after a long weekend? (C2D iMac) If anything it will be 10/24. (Mac Expo London, and a Tuesday)

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 03:08 PM
    No, but I think it will make Safari snappier!!

    I've gone back to Firefox (4) after using Safari and Chrome. Both seem to have this awful problem of lag when opening new pages on tabs (i.e. you click back to the page you were viewing while the new one loads and it just sits there; maybe it doesn't happen on dual-core processors, but it happens on this netbook with both Safari and Chrome (both Webkit based). Firefox4 doesn't have this problem. It may be slightly slower rendering a page, but I can do other things while it's rendering a new page whereas I just have to sit and wait with Safari and Chrome.

    These naysayers have been moaning and groaning about iOS forever. They will continue to do so forever. In the meantime the rest of the world will get on with using some great software (many of it free) and getting a lot of things done.

    Getting things done? The fanatics that worship Apple are too busy playing cheerleader for Apple and voting down the voices of logic on here to get ANYTHING done EVER. :p

    I'm glad Apple is pushing things forward. The last thing I want to see is OS X stagnate.

    But is has and IS stagnating. Apple is playing cutesy interface with this iOS merging and not much else. Where are the REAL features at like OpenGL4, display resolution independence, updated video drivers, a newer file system (like the ZFS that never came to be), format/write support for NTFS so I don't have to boot into Windows just to create a Windows compatible media drive, support for EXT3 (for the same reason with Linux drives and various NAS setups (e.g. Negear's USB UPnP runs many times faster with EXT3 than NTFS and doesn't support HFS period. How about a feature to NOT copy over '.files' when moving media files over to a Windows machine or putting songs on a USB stick (where car players will often trip over them)? These are FUNCTIONAL differences that would improve enjoyment of OSX and make it faster/better.

    What good is an app launcher like iOS devices use on OSX? It's POINTLESS and worse yet intimates that it may be the future primary interface for OSX some day. Other than OpenGL3, I don't see much in the way of true 'OS' improvements in Lion. I see a bunch of smart phone crap that does very little to improve anything. Instead, it's starting to compete with itself.


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  • Fredou51
    Sep 12, 07:53 AM
    Canada iTunes music store shows "It's Showtime. The iTunes Store is being updated." as well!!

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  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 08:23 AM


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  • Kiwi Jones
    Jul 21, 12:06 PM
    Well, if they treat their customers this way then what do they expect?

    Imagine an icecream stand, selling icecream cones "revolutionarily" cylindrical in shape and everyone's icecream fell out the bottom. Then, they remedy this by going "ok, we'll give you all a small piece of paper to glue to the bottom that will sort of fix the problem."

    I'm getting so tired of hearing all this whining and complaining. First off, don't complain about the iPhone 4 unless YOU ACTUALLY HAVE AN iPHONE 4! Secondly, don't complain cuz you can make your bars disappear on your iPhone 4 unless you've EXPERIENCED PROBLEMS DURING NORMAL USE. Yes i can make my phone drop bars. Yes Apple screwed up some with the design or at least by giving everyone an "X" marks the spot. And in regards to your icecream cone metaphor, the iP4 is not even close to actually being dysfunctional because of this antenna issue. It would be more like Apple selling revolutionary icecream cones that LEAKED a bit out of the bottom when you held it a certain way. And to remedy it, Apple gave out PAPER ICECREAM CONE SLEEVES (the kind you get from icecream places already.... but SOME people prefer to take it out of the sleeve while others are fine with it). And you people still manage to complain. Either put a case/bumper on it if you actually do experience problems, or return the phone and ****.

    I hereby solemnly swear to avoid opening the comments section on any future iPhone 4 Antenna Issue related articles.

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  • PPC970FX
    Aug 2, 02:24 AM
    1) Oslo the capital of norway is the city where the ipod/people ratio is highest in the WORLD.
    2) They are stuffed with cash.
    3) They are the most advansed tech people in the world, "everybody" has a computer and DSL. And many even know how to use them :P
    4) They have been trendsetters on the intnernett for the past 3-6 years.

    That is why Norway Sweden and Denmark has iTS


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  • jav6454
    Apr 12, 11:55 PM
    I think they missed the bomb in her hair. Why not do an X-RAY as well? God, what stupidity!

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  • tvachon
    Jan 8, 04:58 PM
    Could it be possible to get an RSS just for this page? So we can instantly know when it is up?

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  • Don.Key
    May 1, 07:57 PM
    Cloud computing is gonna be huge in 15 years or so. After some point we won't have CPU's at all, all the computation will be done in cloud and we'll just have inputs at home, like a keyboard and mouse or touch, and a screen. Many things will change, and the closed app store will be the least of your worries by then.

    Back to Mainframe? He he, not gonna happen. Well, maybe in 100 years from now.

    As far as "Cloud" is concerned: meh, another hype which will ether die out by itself or be killed by inevitable major security breach (Hello PSN)

    Apr 30, 01:34 AM
    I've seen worse, and done worse, but still feel you're totally right. :o

    Anyway, to attempt an on-topic post:

    This is actually really interesting to me.

    Sliders make some sense (they are more tactile for single-choice selections), but they still suck:
    First, it requires too much care to try to slide it around.
    Second, sliders "value" selections in an order-sensitive way since it is easier to jerk it all the way to one side then to stop it in the middle.
    Third, a slider implies intermediate values are passed through.

    Sliders suck, not just because we are more familiar with buttons, but because they make everything more complicated despite feeling a bit more tactile.

    You didn't have to slide the thing, you know? It behaved like ol' buttons, to select an option just click it, and the animation instead of been a pressing button was a slider..

    Oct 19, 10:16 AM
    The market share (and Princeton report) are favorable news for the Mac platform and for Apple.

    But it is interesting to read this from Gartner, in the light that this very same Company is also in the news right now for their "Macs should be made by Dell" splash (actual paper was "Apple Should License the Mac to Dell")

    In conjunction with this articles observation that Dell's PC marketshare has been sliding (lost worldwide #1 to HP, etc), along with business reports that aren't rosey on Dell's margins (nor their get well plan, which isn't working), the newsfolk who picked up on Gartner really got their headline wrong. It really should have been IMO:

    "Dell sliding bad - needs rescue in form of Mac licence from Apple".

    In said report (the other one, not this one) Gartner suggested that 'Apple should concentrate on what it does best - create software - and make use of Dell's production and distribution infrastructure.' In this report, there's not a peep of such 'black clouds on the horizon' for Apple ... must be two different guys in the Gartner shop :)

    Quite interesting, since the bottom line right now is that the Mac Pro is known to be less expensive than the Dell equivalent, for what does that suggest about expertise in cutting deals with Intel, and efficiently running production & distrubution?

    The reality is that Apple generally contracts out much of their manufacturing, true. However, so does Dell. As such, why should Apple bother to pay to go through Dell? That's called using a "Middle Man" and this intermediate step would increase costs, which would then either lower Apple's unit profits, or force them to raise prices ... which hearkens the 'Macs cost more' paradigm.

    This is why Gartner's suggestion seems to be more aimed to help Dell through their current fiscal troubles but does not help Apple in any meaningful way at this time.

    Perhaps Apple will need Dell for access to Dell's assemblers, but that would only occur when Apple's total market share gets huge - say exceeds 33%. Barring a Vista-catastrophy, at the current rate of market share growth, we're still more than a year or two away from having to cross that bridge, which ironically gives Michael Dell plenty of time to become more retrospective and apologetic about inflammatory comments he has made of Apple in the past.


    PS: if you look more closely at Apple's 3Q numbers, you'll see that desktop sales were relatively flat: the growth was in laptops.

    Oct 10, 03:41 PM
    I doubt it'll be necessary, given the Pavlovian nature of most failed wannabe tech journalists - aka bloggers for Engadget and Gizmodo, and staff writers for Computerworld for starters - to drool on command when Apple is mentioned

    Apr 25, 11:55 AM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.

    agreed. Even though with the white one, I'd expect a 64GB available. Just makes sense; they used to have an ipod nano that only came in black in the largest size, if memory serves...

    Apr 25, 03:39 PM
    I declared timer as an instance method:

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender;
    - (void) cancelIt:(NSTimer*) timer;


    No, you didn't. You declared cancelTime: and cancelIt: as instance methods, one of which happens to have a timer parameter.

    As such, I'm not sure you have a proper grasp of the fundamental concepts of Objective-C programming so I would suggest you step away from the real coding and go (re)learn those before you come back to this issue.