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  • mpadapa
    09-23 10:57 AM
    I support this idea.
    Let us not deliberate about the details about the proposal. Let us leave it to the lawmakers to broaden the scope of the proposal. The key is to make the lawmakers aware that the EB immigrants can and are willing to provide a helping hand to improve the current housing crisis.

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  • Widget
    02-18 03:35 PM
    I fully agree with you. the point is that we are not powerful (EB peopel) in order to force the gov to do something about it. The farmers, illegals, helathcare EB peopel are in much better situation than us (regular EB peopel).

    My children are doing very well in schools and they are much better than any average student in the class and I can not take them back to my home country after they have achived good grades. My wife ca not work because she is an H4 holder, I can not take buy a house because I am not sure if I am going to have a job for more than 2 years.

    it is a very difficult situation and I have to think about a back up plan after beeing in this situation since 2003. By the way, I an ROW H1 holder.

    I have and approved I-140 (PD 01/2004) and I can not file for I-485.

    I can only give examples from personal life. My personal examples lead me to believe that a lot of people, though aware of retrogression, are unaware of what it really means.

    Six months ago, I thought that there was nobody opposing EB-based visa numbers. And I was pretty certain that my greencard would be handed to me in a few years.

    Then I learnt about IV. And I learnt about the problems.
    Then I tried to tell my friends about it at work. And the first reactions were 'Is the situation really that bad'?

    So, there is definitely a huge group of people who don't know what retrogression really means, and how screwed they really are.

    But again, these are personal examples. Maybe yours (people knowing about retrogression, and still not bothering about contributing/participating in IV) might have led you to a different conclusion.

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  • tikka
    07-03 10:39 PM
    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin

    please DIGG

    Thank you

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  • mallu
    02-16 02:57 PM
    My friend, in 2003-2004 alone there were 136K EB greencards wasted. When recaptured, in the past they have been given to oversubscribed countries. That is almost an entire years supply of EB greencards.

    I didn't know they give significant percentage of the recaptured numbers to retrogressed countries. That is cool.

    As far as your last question goes: I'm amazed, given your interest in this subject, that you have not read the 2005-2006-2007 Ombudsmans reports which discusses in some detail how USCIS claims that it cannot provide data on pending applications by EB preference, country of chargeability, and PD. Do take some time to familiarize yourself with these reports (and read the damn footnotes.)

    I think i read only last year's report , that too the section concerning FBI namecheck, because at that time my PD was current most of time and i was stuck in name check. Now time to read rest of the stuff in Ombud's rpt.


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  • lazycis
    02-12 10:33 PM
    Educate yourself, check these out:


    http://www.uscis.gov/vgn-ext-templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=1dc6aca797e63110VgnVCM10000047 18190aRCRD&vgnextchannel=1dc6aca797e63110VgnVCM1000004718190a RCRD

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  • ArkBird
    03-30 02:17 AM
    Agreed but consider the other options. Lalu? Mulayam?? Mayawati???

    I will have tears of joy in my eyes if BJP get the majority but I know it will never happen... :(


    Please do understand MMS brought economic reforms when he was finance minister in P.V Narasimha Rao's govt.People thought country would see the same in 2004 when MMS was made PM. But Sonia Gandhi didn't give him that freedom.We didn't see any reforms in these 5 years.

    Opting for MMS is like saying I won't take Sonia/Rahul but would take them if they came with a wrapper called MMS. That's what MMS is.

    All those voting for MMS in the poll might as well vote for Rahul if you are bent on only congress party for communal/other reasons of your own.

    MMS is not even fighting these elections.As per congress party sources Sonia doesn't want to announce Rahul as PM candidate because if congress loses then Rahul has to take the blaim(which will affect his charisma..huh our leaders run not qualifications but charisma and even urban/rural people fall for that).If congress wins MMS will be replaced with Rahul citing health or some other issue within no time.
    I can understand rural masses but educated skilled people falling for the tactics of unskilled Sonia is something.No wonder she is going great.


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  • dan19
    08-30 04:58 PM
    I am doing my Canadian Immigration myself.

    It is fairly a simple and straightforward process. So my advice is "Do it yourself". Immigration lawyers do normally charge more that $1000 and make mistakes.

    Since it takes around 1.5 years for the entire process to complete, send the application as soon as possible. Dont wait for gathering all the document! That will ensure that you get a early priority date. If more documents are needed, they will ask you. (Most people sent English Proficiency and Police Certificates after submitting the application, though they are required to be part of the initial application)

    I can describe the procedure:

    1. Calculate your points based on the information on Canada Immigration website. If it is more that 67, you are good.

    2. To prove English proficiency, take IELTS test. You need to register for the test as soon as possible since some centers are always full. (Some of my friends who studied in USA skipped IELTS - rather they wrote a letter stating that they are proficient in English as they studied/worked in USA)

    3. Make sure you have the required funds. It's around $13,000 for a 2 member family. (Again check the Canadian Immigration website for accurate info)

    4. Get experience letters if you are claiming experience.

    5. Get Birth Certificates and Police Certificates. If you are an Indian, the link you need to look for is http://www.indianembassy.org/newsite/misc_guide.asp

    6. Though they do ask you to send US FBI Police Certificates, do it later. (They will ask you for updated FBI Police Certificates evenif you submit it earlier)

    7. Fill the forms, attach the documents and send it!!!!

    Visit http://www.canada-city.ca/canada-immigration/ or
    http://www.immigration.ca/discussion/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=4 for further discussions.

    Our frustration with the US legal immigration and retrogression seems endless. My wife and I are considering immigration prospects to Canada. Can somebody please suggest good responsive lawfirms that could handle a Canadian PR application? We would also appreciate some insight on Canadian immigration prospects for physicians. Thanks

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  • Aah_GC
    08-15 09:54 PM
    I warn you not to start the Muslims vs rest debate here....I would say most (not all) people are fanatics will do any attrocity in the name of religion. Blame it on your fellow fanatics for this mess. Yes, you need to pay the price for 9/11. DHS and TSA are created to protect the innocent civilian and its their duty. If you dont like dont come to USA.

    What SRK - global icon you are talking about. He is not a leader of the nation...he is just an actor. He might be a god for you and he does not need to be the same for others. Think logically everyone is coming here with invitation only. For the IO at POE, he is just a visitor and if needed should be treated in the same way like any other visitor. When it happened to Mr.Kalam, yes we need to protest as he was a former Head of State. But that Noble person did not even speak about it. But this poor SRK saying his self-respect is hurt. What a loser.

    Also I expressed to take the "Global icon" tag out of the picture and focus on the system itself. Make sure you read and understand posts before rhetorical reactions.


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  • gc4me
    03-27 09:31 PM
    Can you please provide link for the memo.

    If text of the proposed memo will be the same, then all pending I-140 based on LC substitution should be denied.

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  • Jagadish1978
    07-19 07:28 PM
    I have these below queries on Green card processing

    My Green card processing background
    My labor and I140 are approved and have priority date of May 2006 under EB3 category.

    The reason for these questions is that I am planning to change the company that I am working with.

    1. Can I port the priority date (March 2006) when applying for new green card with new employer.
    2. If possible to port the priority date can I apply under EB2 category assuming all other criteria satisfy for EB2 category and use the same (May 2006) priority date.


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  • Macaca
    02-18 11:49 AM

    An Indian has glorified Indians. How do you use this glorification to explain the behavior of 80+% IV Indian members and 60+% Indians in EB retrogression who have no interest in joining IV?

    The best looking answer looks like there is no correlation between the two. Indians remain glorified.

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  • chanduv23
    06-28 01:29 PM
    I heard that Fedex is going on strike in Nebraska in the month of July and will end their strike when retro kicks in?

    Did anyone else hear this?? Can anyone post a valid link to this other than

    OH OH OH OH Mathew site link????

    :D :D :D :D :D


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  • deba
    07-03 05:04 PM
    I am India EB2. Labor cleared 2 years back, I140 cleared more than 1.5 years back and I485 pending for more than a year. Have EAD and AP.
    Currently continuing under same employer with I797 valid till Dec/2008. I will complete 6 years of H1 in Dec.
    I would like to change to a new employer with a new H1.
    I believe I am eligible for a 3 year extension based on above conditions.
    My question: After I get a new H1 and invoke AC21, but supposing old employer withdraws I140, what happens to the new H1?
    Since it is to be issued for 3 years based on labor/I140 cleared etc., what will be the situation if the underlying I140 is withdrawn by original sponsoring employer?

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  • kanakabyraju
    08-17 12:32 PM
    Who cares about farmers. As per British, Indians are dogs and deep inside we are still dogs. We just bark at nothing. Otherwise this thread would have not started.


    Let's look at the following news items

    "If Pepsi is banned in India, I would go to the US and drink it� - SRK in 2006. This shows that SRK is nothing but a money minded freak who'll do anything for big bucks.

    "SRK was cleared in 66 minutes, say US officials". This shows the true picture of the incident and whatever happened was routine and nothing was intended to single out SRK.

    "I was questioned for two hours"- SRK. This shows the dishonesty and exaggeration of the incident, which the actor feels has hurt his ego. It's like "Mommy! US has pinched me OOOOO"

    "I don't feel like stepping on American soil any more, but it is the love and affection of millions of his fans in the US which would bring him to this country again and again." - SRK. It's like "I don't feel like eating Ice-cream anymore. But since you all fans want me to eat it, I'm gonna eat it again and again"

    "Cabinet minister suggested a "tit-for-tat" policy toward Americans traveling to India". This shows that we don't have any brains of our own and a "tit-for-tat" policy is intended more as a revenge rather than a matter of national security.

    "Angry fans in the northern city of Allahabad shouted anti-U.S. slogans and burned an American flag." This shows the ignorance, illiteracy and hero worship that's rampant in India.

    "India to take SRK detention issue strongly with US ". This shows that the govt. of India has got no better things to do, but feels that VIP treatment to movie stars is more important than nation's security. Moreover SRK visit to US was purely personal to promote his film and has got nothing to do with govt. of India.

    "21 farmers end lives in 40 days in Andhra". Is anyone looking into this? Helooooo.


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  • jonty_11
    06-28 06:16 PM
    Visa Bulletin April 2007
    PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


    Employment-based: It is likely that the Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� (EW) category will become unavailable beginning in May.

    Both of these issues are the direct result of low annual limits and very heavy demand for numbers, primarily for adjustment of status cases at Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices.

    Visa Bulletin for May 2007
    PD for Other workers category was U (unavailable)


    The Employment Third Preference �Other Worker� category is expected to reach the annual numerical limit during April. As a result, the category will become �Unavailable� beginning in May and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

    Visa Bulletin for June 2007
    PD for Other workers category was 01 Oct 2001


    A few �Other Worker� numbers which had been allocated for April were returned unused at the end of the month. As a result, a very small June allocation has been possible, for applicants with priority dates before October 1, 2001. The category will become �Unavailable� once again beginning in July and will remain so for the remainder of FY-2007.

    So the VB does in fact indicate that there is only a "small June allocation" possible.
    This is positive info..
    At least nothing like this was posted for EB2/3 categories.....fingers crossed.

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  • Lasantha
    02-12 02:32 PM
    Yes Ramba. I am aware of that. I will not start celebrating I till I see the GC in my hands. But still I am pretty excited about all this.

    I wish your hopes comes true. However, one thing you should remember. There are many guys with PD before 2005 got stuck due to name check, particularly in ROW catagory. This big jump in PD for ROW and new name check clearance rule, will makes tons of 485s become eligible for approval in March.

    As they mentioned in their comment, they may freeze the PD for ROW in APril or move back to 2004, depending on how many EB3-ROW gets GC in March.


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  • h1techSlave
    01-19 01:37 PM
    You have made a good point. When you think about it, the lawyers are the only winners in the immigration mess.

    I just heard from attorney there are lot of debate going on in AILA and they are trying to stop this memo from being implemented...they are the one going to lose more business then the body shops....

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  • Ramba
    02-19 12:22 AM
    Well discussion here. Under present situation (w/o any legislative relief) labor certification based EB folks, particulary Indians, cannot think of GC/485 for next 10 years. The problem here is, they are stopping the flood gate in 485 stage. If they (CIS/DOS) do not need high skilled immigrants, stop them in LC stage itself. Testing labor market in 2001, for a permanent job that is going to be assumed by a foreign worker only in (after 485 approval) 2010 is a joke. The best slution is market based numarical limitation without any country quota.

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  • okuzmin
    07-11 07:33 PM

    TN is just a modified H1B. You need to have an employer, your wife will be on a TD and worse, you gotta renew it every year across the border.

    TN is not a modified H1B. With TN you do not have a dual intent: you cannot apply for a green card straight through TN status -- you would have to adjust your status to H1, L1, or any other immigrant status and only then apply for a green card.

    TN is given for two years. You must be a Canadian citizen (not just a PR!) to qualify for TN status. Mexican citizens must obtain the actual TN visa, while Canadians don't. There are occupations that do not qualify for TN status.

    Your wife can just as easily file for a TN in her occupation. Yes, you need an employer in the USA to get TN status, but I don't see a big problem with it. I work for a relatively small IT company (about 90 employees), and we hire people from anywhere in the USA and Canada. Our recruitment personnel conducts online and phone interviews, and a job offer can be made before the candidate ever visits our state. I'm sure many companies follow the same practice.

    With TN you get stamped at the border (Canadian, not Mexican :)) -- and welcome (back) to the USA! If you follow the guidelines, it's very simple to get this status. I'm not sure which country gets your taxes, though. Since I'm quite a few years away from my Canadian citizenship, the information I currently have was sufficient to satisfy my curiosity about TN status. ;)

    Another interesting idea about Canada-USA work/immigration popped up today in conversation with my immigration lawyer. If you have a managerial position in a company that has offices in USA and Canada, you can jump on L1 visa. This will let you file in EB-1 category if you want to go for a green card. There are some additional requirements: you need to work as a manager in the company's branch in Canada for at least a year; when you apply for a green card, the company will need to prove that the Canadian office will keep operating after you get your green card and leave Canada. Nevertheless, it's a possibility that is definitely better than EB-3 or EB-2.

    10-09 01:37 PM
    I am a naturalized Canadian Citizen now in the GC retrogression (Country of birth - India).

    Only good thing about becoming a Canadian or Australian citizen is that you would qualify for the (quota exempt) TN (NAFTA) or (special quota) E3 visas.

    You don't have to wait for the H1 quota to open up to be able to start working. You DO however have to wait for the quota to open to get to a H1 before you can file for a GC. A GC cannot be filed directly from a TN or E3 status.

    Also, travel in and out of US for Canadian citizens in particular is painless, since they don't need a visa from the consulate. Just the status suffices. The Canadian passport becomes the travel document.

    Otherwise the GC woes are the same as it would be depending on your country of birth.

    07-23 04:52 PM
    I felt very bad and compleately moved when I was read about Mehul at that time. He was not able to get the GC in time just because he was born in India, even though he is from Fiji. During the last days of his life he was more worried about his family settlement, than his death, and moved them to sweeden. I hope this kind of sitution wont repeat to any immigrant.


    For things like this not to repeat, we need a legilation change so that it doesnt matter which country you are from and which EB category you are in, and make sure that there wont be years long back logs.