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  • amsgc
    12-13 10:08 PM
    It is surprising to me that some, so called high skilled, folks can be so blinded by their desire to get the green card that they are unable to see right from wrong.

    Never mind the pain of those affected by this inequitable system, or if this is technically legal, or whether it can be challenged in court. Think about what you are condoning – an unjust government policy that presumably works for you, now. By advocating an unfair policy today, in the long run you are undermining your own position as an immigrant in this country.

    You seem to be crying out loud - “I am a high skilled foreigner, but I am different, different from them! Look, look at my color, texture, please look at my passport. Oh no fuck that, please look at my place of birth. Skills? Yes we all have them, but let’s not get distracted. I am different - will you please look at my birth certificate, please?”

    Oh I hear ya. But all said and done, you will still be a foreigner to the average Joe on the street, even after you get your green card or naturalization papers. And if things go south, then those unethical policy makers, whom you give a pass today, will find a way to get you – and yes, that birth certificate will come handy. It is important to be united, and stay united.

    To say that the United States has the right to make any law with respect to immigration doesn’t make an unjust law right. Presumably you are well educated and can understand this. And speaking of education – was it your degree or birth certificate that you took to your job interview that set this process in motion? It is counter intuitive to have such a provision where, to begin with, it is your skills that enabled you to get in line.

    Apart from the resounding racial undertone, this policy is also harmful for the society at large. It encourages people to be conscious about their origins, be aware of their differences and the whole idea of America being a melting pot just goes down the toilet.

    I understand it is difficult for some to fight this unfair system, because first you may have to fight and win against your basic instincts. It is hard for us, but this attitude may make things harder for you in the future.

    Lets stay united and open minded, and fight for a fair system.

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  • deepakd
    07-11 01:24 PM

    Same applies to you.. If you are so crazy about Bharat, what are you doing here.... HEHEHE. Just thought that it was kinda funny statement because of your name....BharatPremi --- :D


    On the sameline, I think no one is crazy about anything but material wealth for self.

    Take my example, GOV of India spent lot of money on me so that I get a degree from IIT and here I am in USA salivating over GC dreams.
    If I would be kicked out of USA, I may move to Canada, if I kicked out of Canada then to Australia and it would continue............

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  • logiclife
    07-10 11:08 AM
    Very well said.

    To add to that, my message to Ron Hira, his IEEE-USA, John Miano, others at programmer's guild, Bernie Sanders etc. :

    Your plan to stop outsourcing is really going well. Isnt it ? Well, this is exactly why people like you and John Miano get replaced by hard-working foriegn workers. Because the foriegn workers have a mission to accomplish when they accept a job, unlike you, who intends to do one thing (stop outsourcing) and ends up achieving the opposite (cause outsourcing).

    Keep up the good work and blame the foriegn workers for all your problems in life, including global warming.

    And Bernie, you are the best. Now tell me, how are you going to protect the Americans whose jobs are being taken and shipped to Canada. Are you planning to run for Senate in Canada ? How about you resign and run for office in Canada and slap a $5000 fee there and also give a grand speech you gave in US senate ? Go Bernie, go.

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  • hebbar77
    05-29 07:18 PM
    nothing came easy for immigrants here including europeans immigrants in early 1500's! They silenced the people to make their way!, we are standing in line!


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  • vdlrao
    09-15 02:42 AM
    Year, TOT_LBRS, Certified, LBR_INDIA PD_>_10/1/2001
    2000 074048 70204 ????? 0
    2001 082139 77921 ????? 0
    2002 089168 79784 ????? 7873
    2003 095299 62912 ????? 25956
    2004 098866 43582 ????? 26569
    2005 014253 06133 01350 6133
    2006 105960 79782 22298 79782
    2007 098753 85112 24573 85112
    2008 061997 21092 07198 21092
    Total 720483 526522 55419 252517


    In 2005 there are a total of 01350 labors certified only for India.
    In 2006 there are a total of 22298 labors certified only for India.

    The other important thing here to note down is there are many outsourcing companies out there filed/filing GCs for their so called managers in EB1 category.

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  • andymajumder
    06-02 03:42 PM
    country quota is not racial discrimination...u must be a fool to say that.

    To change the country quota..they have to change the whole philosophy of immigration in this country... Equal opportunity for all...

    Its absurd to try to change the country quota..we must try for recapture..instead..

    Why is it absurd to change the country quota? What is the use of the country quota..is it necessary for diversity? The primary basis by which a person qualifies for employment based GC is through his academic qualifications and work experience....how is deciding how many GCs you would give based on country of birth relevant in this case. What is the basis of such a rule unless you want to limit the no. of people coming from countries which produce large no. of qualified, educated people. How is this fair considering that India and China produce at least 10 times more college graduates than most other countries in the world other than the USA.

    If promoting diversity was the cause, there's already a diversity GC process and people from India, China and some other countries are not eligible to apply in those categories.
    If limiting people from certain ethinic backgrounds based on current population of USA is a criterion - lets get this fact straight - Indian americans are less than 0.4% of US population there are far more people of vietnamese, philipino and few other southeast asian origin in the USA. In fact if limiting people of certain ethnic background from becoming larger part of the population and maintaining racial diversity had been a criterion, people of Irish, Polish, British, German (or most EU countries) shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to US at all since people of those heritage already form large % of the population. Yet, any similarly qualified person from these countries can get a EB GC in a year or two now while an Indian has to wait 8 - 10 years.

    I am quite sure a skilled civil rights lawyer can prove the current situation against Indians in EB category as case of discrimation based on country of birth, since the stated goal of the EB category is immigration based on skills and academic qualifications.


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  • reddy2cool
    09-23 09:42 AM
    Nixstor: I know how responsible person you are. You must have given lot of thought to this. Even if 20-30% people buy house, that reduces the no of applicants waiting for GC which will make it faster for the people that do not want to buy now for various reasons.

    I fully support this idea. Thanks for bringing such good and justified proposal.

    Definetely a good idea, I completely endorse it. Even for people who arent eligible/dont have money right away- dont you think reducing the line will eventually help all of us. we dont need to jump 100 ft at once (read relief for all) as long as we are able to jump 10ft once without injuring ourself. Also for people cribbing about seperating rich, anywhere in the world i.e the concept after all they are taking huge risk by investing their hard earned money (just like 20% people contribute to 80%of taxes) they need a break somewhere.

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  • suhanya
    08-12 02:15 AM
    I am doing an employer change - HtoH transfer.

    Do I have to wait for the H1 transfer approval or is the receipt good
    enough for me to travel abroad? Do I have to get my new H1 stamped
    before reentering? I still have the dates on my old h1 (from AMD)
    valid on the stamping on my passport - will this suffice? Please

    Also my Advanced Parole is on its way. Will I be able to travel on EAD
    and AP, when my H1 transfer is being filed? Can I still hold on to my
    H1 status, if I traveled using my AP?



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  • tjayant
    10-04 07:25 PM
    Hi Guys,
    I got my PR, is there any way i can keep it current, looks like it will expire in 5years if you are not staying in Canada for more than 2 years, but some said there is a workarround.

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  • _TrueFacts
    09-04 02:58 PM
    If this thread (forum) was a court room. It would have been declared by Judge that YSR is indeed the most corrupt politician AP had and pending further investigation all the occupied & grabbed lands, wealth be ordered to pay to the victims. In addition, the Judge would put a life time ban his Son from active politics.

    I hope all posters, readers will condemn corruption and blood politics and see US system (for we being in US) as an example for India. No one can better understand American system than us and how it can be modulated to fit into India.


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  • Jerrome
    09-24 10:25 AM
    When can I get my gc based on these uscis data for sept 2005 eb-2.Please suggest me.

    100% by this time next year if the spill over rules are not changed. If they are changed then in next 5 years.
    (India upto september 2005 got almost 15K) per year india got 3500, do the math.

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  • ilwaiting
    10-05 09:03 AM
    Check this out. http://www.notcanada.com/


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  • cagedcactus
    06-21 03:20 PM
    I took upon a couple of new employess in 2004 October and trained them for couple of months as per my job requirement. The company later laid off few guys and substituted two approved labors with these two guys. They got their greencards last year, while I am stuck with a F***ing 2003 PD.
    I cant even say how mad I was over getting screwed like this, but hey, if there is any good left, maybe I will have my day too........

    I agree with your post here.....

    Many of us are not aware of the extend of labor subtituion and the impact that it has on the visa numbers .

    I personally know a case where 1-140 was filed in 2005, for a Labor which was approved as early as 2000.

    The person was able to get his green card in 6 months time (he has been in US only for 1 year, came to work with the Indian company and joined this new firm just to get his substitute LC) and ate away 2 visa numbers which a genuine GC applicant should have got.

    When there are applicants who are waiting for more than 5-7 years to get their green card and in some cases just to get through the labor certification process , isnt this grossly unfair?

    Advocates support LC substituion as it is just one more avenue for them to make more money. Unscrupulous employers support the LC substituion since it helps them to make money ( as I understand many of these companies sell LC) . Also same LC is used multiple times.

    The losers are genuine GC applicants who are ethical and companies which are ethical.

    As a H4 visa holder my life in this country has been so very limited that even opening a bank account or getting a driving licence is tedious as most people have no clue about H4 Visa-its limitations including absence of SSN and donot acknowledge ITIN number for many of the above purposes.

    We who are hindered by retrogression and the slow processing (actually no processing at all ) happening in the backlog centers should welcome this new legislation for Banning LC substituion.

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  • ujjwal_p
    10-16 03:27 PM
    I don't care about the logic but, I like what you said!;)

    Now that's a customer I want. Someone who can take no logic and all fluff. jk :)


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  • soma
    02-13 10:59 PM
    you cannot sue for incompetence, or the courts would be full!

    If thats the case why did 180 day rule for namecheck get through in court?! wasn't that incompetence?

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  • vdlrao
    09-15 02:44 PM
    I just wondering seeing these estimated numbers, with out having a proper information, for the given years.


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  • Kodi
    05-14 10:46 AM
    If you have canadian PR, can't you work in US or do you still need a working visa to work in the US?

    Thank you.

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  • Subst_labor
    03-17 11:09 PM
    well if you feel offended, i am ready to offer my apologies. are you ready to take back your baseless accusations-that got me started up in the first place.

    BTW, i dont even know what IV is??

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  • surabhi
    07-21 05:13 PM
    For 2007 we had an availability of 226,000 Family Based Visas. But the issued visas in 2007 in Family Based are 194,900 visas. That means there are 226,000 MINUS 194,900 = 31100. These 31,100
    unused Family Based Visas have been made available for 2008 Employment Based Visas of 140,000. And USCIS has 28,795 unused VISAS of American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act of 2000 (AC21).

    American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act of 2000 (AC21) had recaptured 130,107 visas.

    Out of that 94,000 were used in 2005.

    7,312 were used in 2007.

    So dont know when the available 28,795 unused VISAS of AC21 will be used again.

    The unused family based visas of 2007 are 31,100 , which are going to be added for Employement Based Visas of 2008. So the total Employment based visas for 2008 are 140,000 + 31,100 = 171,100.

    Theses 171,100 EB Visas of 2008 will be split like, asuming USCIS is not using the availble 28,795 unused VISAS of AC21 below.

    (If USCIS decides to use some or all of 28,795 unused VISAS of AC21, then the available Employment Based VISAS of 2008 increases accordingly. )

    28.6 percent each EB1, EB2 and EB3. 48934 VISAS for Each Category.
    And 7.1 percent each EB4 and EB5. 12148 VISAS for the last two EB categories.

    So in 2008 the total Visas for EB1 and EB2 are 48934 + 48934 = 97868 plus unused EB4 and EB5 visas of 2008.

    The total EB5 Visas usage never crossed 824 in the past 10 years(Average Usage is 376/year).

    So there would be 11148 visas available for EB1 from EB5 (assuming 1,000 visas are used in EB5 which is highly impossible)

    The unused EB4 Visas may be couple of thousand or null, based on the past 10 years EB4 usage (7,223 is the average usage)

    Assume there are only 2,000 EB4 VISAS unused in 2008 (defenitely it would be more unused).

    So the total EB1 and EB2 Visas for 2008 are

    48934 + 48934 + 11,148 + 2,000 = 111,016

    The Family visas spill over is something I couldnt understand. They are retrogressed by > 10 years for many categories. Is that conflicting with spill over? Why would there be spill over with such backlog?

    I havent researched FB category , so apologize if its silly question

    08-18 12:03 AM
    I would rather discuss about Dr Koelhe than SRK:

    Extraordinary Indians: The doctor who charges only Rs 2: Rediff.com news (http://news.rediff.com/slide-show/2009/aug/17/slide-show-1-extraordinary-indians-ravindra-koelhe.htm)

    Let us close this unnecessary thread....

    12-13 11:11 PM
    When I get a chance, I also talk to my co-workers and friends who are citizens, especially when they say - are you a citizen yet?

    Surprise! Surprise! - many of them are unaware of this racist provision and the response you usually get is "that sucks man". So, people understand. Yes American citizens see that this is an unjust law.

    If we talk enough about it, who knows, maybe some policymaker will hear it from his/her constituent.

    Yes, we as IV are meeting lawmakers and lobbying, and media campaign too.

    Just discussing if anything else can be done.