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selena gomez and justin bieber beach date

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  • irock
    09-24 04:35 PM
    I support this and sent emails yesterday.

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  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • Legal
    07-23 12:50 PM

    I hope you are right. But I am not convinced because there was a statement in USCIS testimony that they used up 65% of their target in first 5 months. So even if they used up just 30% in next 5 months, there will be very few Visas left over. If their target did not include the spill overs, then you are right. But in that case, a part of the spill over should also go to EB3. So EB3 should open up again. I am also EB2. So I hope you are right. But as of now, it appears that either there are not many visas left over or it can be that USCIS target was very low.

    that EB3 quota has been used up for this fiscal and will re-open in October only. I assume you're wondering whether some FB spill over would go to EB3. If that's the case they wouldn't have announced EB3 quota is over.

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  • smuggymba
    01-16 02:17 PM
    Shaant bhaiyon shaant. Take it easy. Lets get back to the topic.

    I hope that this memo is not mis-used to affect the good apples, that's it.

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  • BharatPremi
    09-24 11:40 AM
    Please see my inline comment.


    Can you give me USCIS or any other authentic Doc/link which states ICMP share is 7% of 28.6% ? In years I have not found such doc. Therefore, assuming USCIS works fairly :D I had to divide 28.6% by 5 - equal share for each country within particular category.

    Yes, there are many other factors we will have to factor in like incoming flow of applications, swith over count, spillover at the end of the year.


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  • hopefulgc
    02-13 02:58 PM
    where are the govt. sources talking to us know....?
    How much do we really care about the govt. sources when our dates there is a wait of 7 years .. . the dates are in 2001 for heaven's sake.

    I feel like a battered housewife who does not want to step up to her husband 's abuse hoping that one day he would come home and not not beat her up, just come home, ignore her and go to bed and let her be.

    Waiting for 3 yr EAD reforms is like begging for peanuts. we outta swing for the fences. If we outta beg.. lets aim higher... RECAPTURE.

    Going into Lawsuit will not do a penny for our
    fate. I heard the same that Khanna lost the lawsuit > but in our case even the settlement i dont think will arise. Better do what we are doing , lets find success in what we are doing right now and spend that money in support of letter campaign . Lets evaluate the results once we are done through this process. Please be noted , that when AILA wanted to Sue to USCIS there has been lot of discussion on who could come out of shadows also since money was given out by AILA some ppl came forward i bet if its a million dollar ppl wont reach that mark.

    And look at repurcussions before doing that , as ppl have already mentioned no GOVT sources will talk to us . Remember the way ppl could file EAD's was not due to AILA threatening. I dont see a basis for the case first of all , Just it caused mental tension ppl due to laziness of agency you can sue USCIS ? Then every person ever dealt with USCIS should sue them right ? COme on guys. Some ppl might jump on me but think of these issues Just saying i am up for 100$ or 200$ is not sufficient enough for Law Suit.

    I am not saying whether we should or shouldnt do Lawsuit but we need to have options carefully evaluated , all funds ready assuming its gonna go for 2 years and we have ppl whom we can bank on for those 2 years and we should stil continue IV what we are doing and IV shouldnt file this lawsuit.

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  • rsharma
    09-24 11:16 AM
    Emailed All

    :rolleyes: Whatever works :rolleyes:

    matt_kelly@specter.senate.gov, <lisa_owings@specter.senate.gov BOUNCED

    I think we should send a copies of these mails to the various Housing Agents and other Housing related agencies.

    I thibk they also can use their lobbies to work for this proposal as this would be helpful to their business too.


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  • paskal
    02-14 03:50 PM
    [QUOTE=gjoe;223388]How many of us who contributed to IV mentioned that in the AOS application form I485. I guess you are supposed to disclose your affiliation to IV, atleast when you are a contributing member. If this is true most of us will automatically disqualify for a GC because we failed to disclose information truthfully

    I did! full disclosure....:)

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  • gc28262
    06-12 12:40 AM
    People need to understand that you need to give some to win some. I would like to propose to IV a kind of proposal that would be a win win for both the immigrants and the US.
    .................................................. .................................................. ..............
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    Don't tell us you are trying to save america for americans ( now that you are going to be a citizen)

    You are just trying to close the door behind you.
    You think Grassley bill is good for everyone. Yeah sure it is good for you !

    You have begun to think like loosers guild( aka programmers guild)

    You claim the fittest will survive and you don't need any luck to survive. However you had your round of layoffs too. That is a fact of american job market. Luck does play a lot in people's lives especially here in US. I have heard of an IBM engineer who was laid off during 2001 recession. He had 2 patents under his belt. So nobody is immune to luck factor.

    Now that you have become a GC holder and soon going to be a citizen, you are so much worried about the wage levels and and L1 visas. You are ok with H1Bs because you were on H1B earlier in your life.

    Did you ever worry about depressing citizen's wages when you were on H1B ?

    It is one thing to be so self centered, another to say it aloud on a prospective immigrant's forum like IV.

    BTW america is the best place to do business. If you feel threatened by more work force entering USA, become an entrepreneur like Vivek Wadhwa, not a loser like Ron Hira.

    Aren't we Indians a bunch of crabs !


    selena gomez and justin bieber beach date. 2010 Justin Bieber Selena
  • 2010 Justin Bieber Selena

  • grupak
    02-15 08:22 PM
    To all proponents of country quotas:

    Well, if there is a cap for GCs then there should also be a cap on the number of H-1Bs that can be taken up by a country. There should be a cap on the number of allowable F-1 visas to a country. There should be a cap on number of employees of a particular nationality in an organization. There should be a separate line for different nationalities in supermarkets. Fair? Happy?

    Btw, why is there no cap on H-1Bs or F-1s and only for GCs?

    Everyone lets not continue this discussion because it is going beyond what IV is about. IV core's solution is the pragmatic one helping all EB. Lets direct our energy on the action items.

    Mail in the letters by month end. Already few thousand letters are in. So, lets continue with the momentum. Efforts by IV and its members have already succeeded in fixing MI DL issue. Lets work on the positives. EB3 ROW has jumped ahead, and fellow IVians would benefit. So, everyone its time to be happy.

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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • chanduv23
    02-13 12:01 PM

    I know in the past many times it was debated -- why people do not support? Let me put forth what I feel.

    Effort put by IV is very commendable. But the beneficiary of IV work (mostly) do not give importance to Green Card. That is what I think based on talking to multiple people and that is what we see from the % participation of people for various fruitful effort put forth by IV. Most of them say they do not care if they get GC or not. In their heart of heart they may but not too much.

    Other reason I can think of is -- There could be doubt in minds of many people of IV strength. The day IV gets some success, people will rally behind IV for a while. And that is the scenario outside world too. See the stock price. If the company is doing good, stock price goes up. The day one bad news comes, stocks falls down. Take the presidential election. You can very well make out that contribution by company or people is proportional to candidate wins. If you are loosing, contribution will dry out very fast. I am not saying that candidate will not have supporter but that would be less in number. Take N.T. Rama Rao case. The day Naidu ditched him and others followed him, no officials gave importance to NTR.

    Believe me, in my office or outside, I have talked to every Indian. And not one comes back n discusses with me about IV.

    I strongly feel IV is doing a commendable job with some dedicated contributors.

    Thanks for all your wonderful help to the community - people like you inspire others.

    Please do not misunderstand my response to your earlier post, I was in no way pointing fingers at you but was trying to clear common misconception that IV must not be looked at like a software company doing good or bad at shares.

    Once again, I respect people's space - it will be great if all of us come together and make this a success


    selena gomez and justin bieber beach date. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • aps
    09-23 02:26 AM
    Most of us are waiting in line for years by sacrificing their career growth and earnings with the so called consulting companies. what for? To get a green card by buying a home here? Is it sensible? common. Bring some common solution to everybody, not for few. If you want to leave some IV members behind, then you may continue with this idea. your proposal DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE to me.

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  • 2010 Selena Gomez and Justin

  • sk2006
    08-15 07:14 PM
    I completely agree with you that we should never forget our roots or our motherland. India is far better than US when it comes to family values and many other things. However, this story has nothing to do about standing up for our own country/motherland. Every person who has a common name with terrorist names has had troubles at POE since 9/11. So who cares if he is SRK or anyone for that matter. When Colin Powell was the chief of security under Bush administration he had to go through airport security just like any other common person. The TSA here in US treats everyone the same. Do you think ministers or celebrities in India follow any security procedures ? Every now and then you hear of ministers and celebrities involved in smuggling scandals.
    There are good and bad things about every nation. IMHO, security procedures in US are the far better than India and apply the same way to everyone unlike in India. If you are so concerned about standing up for your motherland, what are you doing in the US ? Should I be calling you a traitor ? My point is, this case of SRK has nothing to do with loyality to motherland or racism. It is an unfortunate aftermath of 9/11 and we all know its been happening at POE.

    I think this is a very good post.
    To add to this:
    This incident has nothing to do with India. It just happened that SRK was from India.
    After 9/11 we all know security measures are tight and rightly so.

    For them it does not matter if it is
    1. SR Khan who works in movies or
    2. XYZ Khan who is a computer programmer or a cab driver.

    If the name flashes in the computers they do the required checks.

    Do you feel people with Muslim sounding names are targeted more?
    No wonder, it is likely. DO NOT Blame USA TSA for that. Blame Osama Bin Laden for putting innocent Muslims through this.


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  • psaxena
    07-28 07:43 PM
    Wait a min , how much had you?? Your status is Member and Kaushal's is a Donor.. wait a min let me think who is donating and who is a FREELOADER here.

    The guy is doing something to make his life better, atleast making an attempt to do something better, why do you losers are trying to demotivate and shoot him down.

    No work is small or big , good or bad , work is work.. you wanna do it , just do it , else walk to out. Do not exhibit the desi attitude "I won't do it as what someone will say and also do not let any one else do it." Grow up.
    Lets see how much money you have donated. Please provide details and then we will compare.
    As far as action items are concerned... Here is the latest example:

    I have just send the email regarding EAD issues...Did you send the email?

    Also as requested by one of the member, give your mailing address so that CIS can be notified.:D

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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • lord_labaku
    02-13 12:32 AM
    Before the Y2K problem, the most common route for Indians to migrate to the US (EB category) was this -->

    Admission into US university (most likely for masters)
    Scholarship or loan
    MS/Phd in US
    Internship using OPT
    Job/ H1

    Since this involved multiple non trivial steps; the barrier for entry was pretty high that prevented mass migration.

    There were procedural delays (in some states with a lot of Indian population ( oh yeah; labor certs used to take 3-5 years esp in California, Texas & Northeast; but you could get labor cert faster in south dakota or such less densely populated places; but once you hit the 485 stage, you were certain of a GC within a few months )

    And then along with Y2K came TCS, Wipro, Infosys, & infinite other bodyshops that suddenly changed the equation. No need for TOEFL, GRE. No need to fight for scholarship; no need for TA. no need for RA; no need for MS; in a lot of cases, no need for even UG degree in computers/engg. The requirements ranged from having all 10 fingers in place to knowing the right people in the bodyshop company to land an assignment in the US. Once placed at a client site, it was just a matter of finding the right opportunity to get the client to sponsor your H1. I am sure there were a lot other ways the H1 & L1 visas were abused.

    So the situation changed from just procedural delays to procedural delays + extra influx of Indians due to H1/L1 visa misuse.

    Ofcourse, we can only blame the inefficiencies of the USCIS/INS/DOL system & silently turn the other way when malpractices & visa abuse were rampant (I guess still is) in the IT bodyshop industry.

    I am sure this rant will seem extremely prejudicial. But just for a slight moment; think about why all this happened.


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  • 2008FebEb2
    07-16 05:38 PM
    How many of you think theres a Possibility of Current for EB2 India in either of the Jul/Aug/Sep 2009 bulletins, just like a more than 2 years jump in Aug 2008 bulletin.

    Hello Mr.vdlrao,
    When do you think 2008FebEB2 will be current? Any comments? :D

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  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • gsc999
    09-30 12:21 PM
    I have done a lot of research on this :::

    A good option is if you try and get a job in Detroit, MI. You can then live across the border in Windsor, ON and commute daily between Canada and US.Windsor is basically suburb of Detroit right across from Detroit river ex like Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad and Secundrabad etc.

    This way you get best of both worlds

    1) You keep H1B visa and US GC going.
    2) You earn in US $ and can avail of US job opportunity.
    3) You can earn time towards maintaining Canadian PR and Canadian Citizenship.


    1) This option is limited to getting a job/transfer in Detroit Metro area.
    2) Some days there may be delay at border if US is on high alert, so you need to be conservative and add time for border inspection to your commute.
    3) You have to file taxes in both US and Canada (but its not double taxes).
    Thanks for the good info. But there is some talk of implementing passports for travel between Canada and US for security reasons. This parameter should be part of the SWOT analysis also. See below for the excerpt of actual news story:

    Canadians shouldn't get too excited by Congress's decision to push back the Jan. 1, 2008, deadline requiring passports for all travellers entering the United States, Washington's top passport official warns.

    The new deadline of June 1, 2009, passed yesterday, is only the last possible date to implement the controversial plan, according to Frank Moss, the deputy assistant secretary for passport services in the U.S. State Department. And it could be, in fact, "significantly earlier."

    "The sooner it is done the better in terms of travel security," he said. "Don't think 'Oh, 17 months delay. I don't have to do anything about this.' Nothing's changing. It could very well be sooner than that and it will certainly change much sooner than that in terms of air travel to the United States."


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  • unseenguy
    04-01 02:28 AM
    Left parties are the worst no doubt about that. Have you gone through the BJP manifesto, its IT vision document and also have you heard about Friends of BJP forums started by Indian businessmen. Yes, Advani runs his politics on religion and Ram temple. Do you think congress does not use religion? Do you hear the news that in Kerala congress has fielded candidates supported by church? Tomorrow if Sri Sri Ravi Shankar or Ramdev baba do the same thing with BJP, our media will shout from the roof top that this is communalism. Do you know Congress is allied with Muslim League in Kerala?

    Snathan, all parties use the dirty tricks. Congress, BJP, Communists. But I will always support the party which builds Ram Temple rather than the party which destroys Ram Setu and even denies the existence of Ram.

    I agree and how can we forget the reservation for OBC by congress. Persecution of sikhs after the murder of Indira Gandhi. That time congress was doing right thing it seems and they were not merchants of death of the time. Is it?

    That is not communalism but if someone says injustice is being done to Hindus or brahmins, that is communalism.

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  • logiclife
    06-27 07:15 PM
    According to the AILA, approximately 40,000 visas remain in all employment-based categories, other than EW, for FY2007, according to its sources, and that the USCIS has far more than 40,000 adjustment applications in the backlog queue that are ready for approval, not to mention the additional numbers which will be consumed in concular immigrant visa processing. It is thus possible that the cap may reach within a short period in July, even though no one can predict it until after July 2, 2007. The USCIS at this time does not have any policy announced with reference to July 2007 I-485 filings which are filed after certain date in July when the total number is exhausted. However, considering the fact that the USCIS currently rejects the "Other Worker" category I-485 applications even though June 2007 Visa Bulletin show current for certain applicants because the "other worker" category quota was exhausted on June 5, 2007. This raises a serious concern because as we reported earlier today, the USCIS appears to be picking up the speed of processing of backlog I-485 applications in anticipation of flood of July 485 applications. The USCIS hands may be tied, should the EB visa numbers for FY 2007 is exhausted before the end of July.


    Based on this, I have again (yes, again) emailed by immigration lawyer and sent him the AILA's URL (although I cant see it coz I am not member of AILA).

    IF AILA reports that they stopped accepting new 485 petitions for EB3-other, then it is pretty freaking scary and that means that what my lawyer told me "I cant happen, bla bla bla..." is really not 100% accurate. If it happened in June, it can happen in July. This is now REALLLLY SCARY, coz my lawyer has plans for July-end for filing.

    Ever since the dates got current, it has been more stressful than the time when dates were retrogressed and almost makes me miss the retrogression days when I didnt have to depend on the lawyers for my career.

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  • dan19
    05-09 02:38 PM
    1. Birth certificates: They are asking for the Birth Certificates with the application. I and my wife don't have our birth registered in India. Can we provide birth certificates that the Indian embassy sends for this purpose? For US I-485, we were planning to use Non-availability certificates.

    >> Canada Accepts Birth Certificates from the embassy.

    2. Experience Letter: Will a notarized letter from colleague work for showing work-exp in India. Please note that I already have over 4 yrs of experience in US after that - for which I will manage to get a work exp letter from my company.

    >>4 yrs in US should be sufficient. You can just put those 4 yrs of exp in the work exp. sheet they provide. Just ignore the others, else be prepared to answer any queries about it like paystubs, offer letter etc.

    3. Status in US: My H1B is valid until Oct 2009, but I don't have the visa stamped on my passport (last H1B visa stamp expired). Can I send a copy of I-797 to prove my status? Also, my wife's F-1 visa has expired but she has a valid I-20 until Dec 2007. Can I send copy of I-20 for proving her valid status in US?

    >>You don't need a passport stamp

    * I am providing these answers based on my experience. I got my Canadian PR. But please cross-check.

    09-23 05:44 PM
    Hope USCIS is counting dependents in its 10,800 count for EB2I in 2005. Then we were pretty close in our estimate.I do not think it would be 10,000 primary. Probably around 3000 ~ 5000 primary applications. But if you consider dependents yes we may be talking about nearly 10,000 EB2I visas.

    02-14 08:46 PM
    I'm sorry, I haven't monitored the web-site since my last posting.

    Today reality hit me very hard. I am in my late thirties and I haven't had much adversity in my life regarding financial, career, family, etc.

    However; today reality really hit me hard.

    One gentlemen, his name was Raja Pitchai. He had asked me to help him file his I-140 and ask for cross chargeability to his wife's place of birth (singapore). USCIS accepted his package and his 140 got approved in a couple of months. (his priority date; india became available one month later anyways (he was from india eb2).

    He was the one of the nicest guys I have talked to. Very courteous fellow.

    They couldn't approve his case because he was stuck in name check. Well, his wife called me today and told me that he passed away last week (brain tumor). He had two U.S. citizen children but him and his wife have no relatives here.

    She doesn't seem to be interested to stay here (she wouldn't be able to keep the greencard process going anyways because the death of the petitioner is automatic denial). She is leaving USA and was going through all the things she needs to wind up. I don't know if she would have stayed here if she got the greencard and I didn't want to task. Reality really him home today.

    I need a couple of days to get over this.