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  • “Dancing With the Stars”.

  • mantric
    12-14 01:46 PM
    many of the immigration laws that are affecting us were put in place way before the IT boom that brought most of us here. people are right that the intention behind them is not malicious. but a law set in the 1960s may turn out to have a discriminatory effect in the 2000s. circumstances change and we live in the present not in the past.

    lazycis case was good at pointing out the key clause in the constitution that may help us. it's the due process clause in the 14th amendment, which extends not just to citizens.
    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitu tion

    "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    lazycis case argument is a case from 1975 of a case for retired people over 65 who had been in the country less than 5 years, drawing state medicare benefits.

    the EB community has on other hand has a median age of 32, most have stayed here for 5-10 years at least, consists of net contributors to the US economy and has passed many educational, legal and career barriers to get here. after all this just when our careers are about to fly, many of us find our opportunities being crushed because of our nationality.

    mbartosik case argument is of prisoners in gitmo. even they could challenge the court and get something better than what they had - a military tribunal vs no tribunal earlier.

    are we pension drawing dependants of state, or criminals or prisoners to suffer silently for years and years like this at the prime of our lives ?

    is'nt the EB community being deprived of liberty ? has the EB community received due process ?

    the tipping point from influencing the lawmakers to challenging the laws in court comes when people realise that lawmakers are indifferent to their cause for whatever reason, and some way is needed to bring attention to their immediate suffering.

    before we rush to say checkmate with a particular strategy, let's understand the chessboard and the moves available on it. by knowing our rights under the constitution that's all we are doing. this knowledge may be useful in influencing the lawmakers also, in raising the caps for example to reduce the discriminatory consequences of current laws.

    agreed that we need an abundance of caution and we will most likely lose the case given we are arguing from a position of extreme weakness. yet the constitution does promise us due process as residents of this great land. let's think about that as well.

    some precedents for legal challenges to immigration laws exist on the ACLU and Rajiv Khanna websites.

    wallpaper “Dancing With the Stars”. melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Mark Ballas and Melissa Joan
  • Mark Ballas and Melissa Joan

  • digmetalq
    08-17 02:42 AM
    My point is Indians do not have the balls to do it. Forget americans....they can not even touch an indian MP. Every day lots common people going through this security check. Whats so special about SRK. He is king only in his mind/heart. For lot of people he is crap. No special treatment. Whats the big deal if he is detained for 1 hr. The world is not going to end

    Maybe Indians don't have balls, but there is something called cultural exchange which every country share with each another. Now if SRK decides that US immigration has mistreated him and he decides not to enter US, world is not going to fall down. Recently I heard that HOLLYWOOD wants to come BOLLYWOOD to make investments, maybe out of bussiness sense HOLLYWOOD should support SRK. Big B recently refused doctorate from Aussie unversity in support of Indian students mistreated in Australia. Maybe Indians don't have balls but they have brains.

    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart - Actress
  • Melissa Joan Hart - Actress

  • nandakumar
    05-28 09:47 PM
    1. Employment-Based Visa Number Movement and Predictions

    Many MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers closely track the U.S. Department of State (DOS) Visa Bulletin each month. The most recent Visa Bulletin chart is always available on MurthyDotCom. Given the importance of the cutoff dates in the Visa Bulletin, attorneys at the Murthy Law Firm are often asked for predictions as to the movement of the cutoff dates. There is no better source for this information than Charles Oppenheim, Chief of Immigrant Visa Control and Reporting Division at DOS. Mr. Oppenheim was a guest speaker at a May 20, 2009 American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) meeting, which was attended by most of our attorneys. Mr. Oppenheim�s explanations and visa number / Visa Bulletin expectations for the remainder of FY2009 and for FY2010 are explained below. Readers who are unfamiliar with the Visa Bulletin and the role visa numbers play in the permanent residence (commonly referred to as the �green card�) process should review some of the articles on this important topic that can be found on our website; among them, Priority Dates - How Do They Work?

    Historical Background

    Mr. Oppenheim discussed the historical background that led to the current unavailability of visa numbers, known as retrogression, for certain employment-based (EB) immigrant visa categories. Retrogression is not something new or unfamiliar in immigration law. Most EB numbers were current from July 2001 through January 2005 due to legislative that provided a temporary solution. This legislation authorized unused visa numbers from previous years to be put back into the system. Those additional numbers, along with the annual allotments, were sufficient to meet the demand until January 2005. Since January 2005, the supply of EB visa numbers has fallen short of the demand.

    Current Trends in Visa Usage

    Mr. Oppenheim stated that immigrant visa applications at U.S. consulates abroad are down seven percent from FY2008. India will use all the visa numbers that are available to its nationals this fiscal year. This is due, in part, to huge increases in the usage of EB4 and EB5 categories. Applicants from India have used twice the number of visas estimated for FY2009. Mr. Oppenheim stated that, because of the excess demand, further retrogression may occur over the summer months.

    Predictions for Movement and Usage of EB Visa Numbers

    Employment-Based, First Preference (EB1)
    Mr. Oppenheim expects that all EB1 visa numbers will be used before the end of FY2009. This may result in the establishment of a cutoff date for the EB1 categories for India and China, beginning in August or September 2009. Usage in the EB1 worldwide category (listed as "all chargeability areas except those listed") is also higher than expected. This may lead to imposition of a cutoff date toward the end of FY2009.

    Mr. Oppenheim explained that a trickling effect of unused visa numbers between EB categories has helped keep EB1 and EB2 categories current in prior years. However, due to the processing of a high number of applications, this trickling effect has already occurred, but is not expected to occur again in FY2009. Mr. Oppenheim attributed this to the hard work of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), as well as that of the DOS, as they have succeeded in processing enough cases to likely use all available visa numbers from all categories for FY2009. He stated that the DOS and the USCIS are supposed to process enough cases to use the annual allotment of visa numbers and not leave any available visas unused and wasted in any fiscal year.

    Employment-Based, Second Preference (EB2)
    The EB2 category worldwide is also expected to be over-subscribed and will exhaust all allocated visa numbers before the end of FY2009. To date, Mr. Oppenheim estimates that 3,200 EB2 India visa numbers have been used in FY2009. The high usage in the EB1 category has prevented the usual trickle of visas to the EB2 category. Thus, China will experience the same EB2 retrogression as India in July 2009. The EB2 China cutoff date is expected to be set at January 1, 2000.

    Employment-Based, Third Preference (EB3)
    All EB3 categories are currently unavailable; all available visa numbers have been allocated. No change is expected to occur until the beginning of FY2010.

    Employment-Based, Fourth Preference / Certain Religious Workers
    There has been an unexpectedly heavy usage of visas in the EB4 categories for certain religious worker in FY2009. A cutoff date thus may be set in August or September 2009. Mr. Oppenheim stated that, if the Certain Religious Workers category becomes unavailable, applicants in the ministers category are not affected.

    Visa Numbers for Indian Nationals
    Mr. Oppenheim has set the cutoff date for EB2 India at January 1, 2000. According to current estimates, out of the approximately 200,000 I-485 applications currently pending with USCIS, 120,000 of them are chargeable to India, with the cases divided evenly between EB2 and EB3. This means that EB2 and EB3 India applicants count for 60 percent of the I-485 cases currently pending with the USCIS.

    FY2010 Predictions by Charles Oppenheim of DOS

    Mr. Oppenheim stated that he expects the EB3 worldwide category to have a cutoff date of March 1, 2003, beginning with the October 2009 Visa Bulletin. When asked about the potential cutoff dates for EB3 India, China, and Mexico, Mr. Oppenheim said that it would depend on the demand for these categories over the rest of FY2009.

    Mr. Oppenheim estimated that there are currently 25,000 EB2 and EB3 cases from Indian nationals that have been reviewed and are only waiting for visa numbers for final processing. He stated that, due to the dramatic increase in employment-based filings, visa cutoff dates for FY2010 will be much more limited to ensure that there will be a steady supply of visa numbers available throughout the year. This will lead to earlier cutoff dates and may help prevent visa categories from becoming unavailable.


    We at the Murthy Law Firm appreciate Mr. Oppenheim's commitment to addressing matters related to visa numbers and the Visa Bulletin. The continued shortage of employment-based visa numbers is a source of great frustration for many and Mr. Oppenheim's predictions do not assuage that feeling. It is better to have an understanding of the reality of the situation, however, than to operate in ignorance or with unrealistic expectations. Once again, the shortage of immigrant visa numbers underscores the need for legislation in this area to increase the numbers, change the counting of the numbers (from one per person to one per family), or to revamp the system entirely.

    2011 Mark Ballas and Melissa Joan melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart
  • Melissa Joan Hart

  • lazycis
    02-13 12:38 PM
    And how do you support that argument please ?

    8 USC 1152(a)

    (2) Per country levels for family-sponsored and employment-based immigrants
    Subject to paragraphs (3), (4), and (5), the total number of immigrant visas made available to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area under subsections (a) and (b) of section 1153 of this title in any fiscal year may not exceed 7 percent (in the case of a single foreign state) or 2 percent (in the case of a dependent area) of the total number of such visas made available under such subsections in that fiscal year.

    (3) Exception if additional visas available
    If because of the application of paragraph (2) with respect to one or more foreign states or dependent areas, the total number of visas available under both subsections (a) and (b) of section 1153 of this title for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who otherwise may be issued such a visa, paragraph (2) shall not apply to visas made available to such states or areas during the remainder of such calendar quarter.

    5) Rules for employment-based immigrants
    (A) Employment-based immigrants not subject to per country limitation if additional visas available
    If the total number of visas available under paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of section 1153 (b) of this title for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who may otherwise be issued such visas, the visas made available under that paragraph shall be issued without regard to the numerical limitation under paragraph (2) of this subsection during the remainder of the calendar quarter.
    (B) Limiting fall across for certain countries subject to subsection (e) of this section
    In the case of a foreign state or dependent area to which subsection (e) of this section applies, if the total number of visas issued under section 1153 (b) of this title exceeds the maximum number of visas that may be made available to immigrants of the state or area under section 1153 (b) of this title consistent with subsection (e) of this section (determined without regard to this paragraph), in applying subsection (e) of this section all visas shall be deemed to have been required for the classes of aliens specified in section 1153 (b) of this title.


    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart,
  • Melissa Joan Hart,

  • Pineapple
    12-14 03:37 PM
    To summarize the discussions on this thread:

    Yes, it is 7 % for all countries.

    Now it is manifestly obvious that the 7 % figure is arbitrary, and not fair. That much we can all agree on.

    The real question, as raised in the first post of the thread by soljabhai is:

    (A) Is that constitutional?
    (B) (And this is the real question): If it is, what should we do about it?

    Intelligent questions, both.
    The answer to (A) is not clear. We need a competent constitutional expert to opine on the matter.
    For (B), (which is what the thread is really all about), there are lively discussions with differing views.
    lazycis has presented good evidence that the case is not cut and dried legally. It might be unfair, but those are the laws.
    mbartosik, alterego, me and others have argued (from different angles) in terms of pragmatism. (Cost is not worth the benefit)
    garybanz, soljabhai, and others have argued that it is worth it (Cost is worth the benefit).

    Anyway, agree or disagree, its an interesting thread with interesting posts..

    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. actress Melissa Joan Hart,
  • actress Melissa Joan Hart,

  • g03
    01-14 10:00 AM
    I had a similar thought (about including EB3 too and going by priority date)
    and sent a letter to local congressman yesterday afternoon.
    He has not responded yet.
    My company agreed to port mine to EB2 but I'll support this provision having spent my time in EB3 category.


    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart makes an appearance on the season finale of
  • Melissa Joan Hart makes an appearance on the season finale of

  • gimmeacard
    07-28 04:08 PM
    #1 Landed in Texas in late 90's at a friends place. Friend took me to get SS# next day, dropped me at SS office during his lunch time and came in the evening at SS office to pick me up. While waiting outside, in a span of 20 minutes, had two people (one desi and another a colored person) approach me trying to befriend me...obviously I fall for it, second day and I meet such a nice person , offering me help if I needed. etc. Asked me for my cell or home #, I did not have any (was only going to stay at friends for few days and then going to Phoenix), so, i managed to get their business cards and I promised to call them.
    In the evening, friend picked me up, told him what happened, he laughed and said "they already got you....unbelievable..hit in just one day of landing... I asked him to explain what was going on, he said he explained me everything. He mentioned that his brother-in-law will be at his home in the evening for dinner (an IBO), and asked me to tell him that I was not interested as I wanted to focus on career first. We go inside, he introduced to his BIL, BIL immediately asked me when I came and what I do, and that he has an excellent business offer for me, which he would discuss with me after dinner. My friend blinked at me, I told him that I had a business proposal for him as well. He was surprised and asked me what it was. I told him that when I was in India, I was a IBO and I wanted him to be an IBO, after listening to what I had to say.

    He and my friend were astonished, my friend and his wife were laughing. BIL said he was going to talk about the same thing to me, I said, I am tired and if he already is a IBO, I will not talk about it at all, as I would rather sleep (jet lag). Got rid of him easily...

    Incident #2: After moving to Phoenix in 8 days, landed at my Desi consultant's, got a 2 Bedroom townhome shared by total of4 people. One of them was active in AMWAY...asked me if I wanted to go to a business meeting followed by Tea/snacks. I told him I could come only if he stops by grocery store first as I wanted to buy stuff. I did not have car so needed his help for groceries etc. I went with him and few of other FOBs that he had managed to "capture" (New Bakras for him). Went to his friends house who was a new IBO and hosting tea party/(Bakra kato seminar) first time, so he had lot of food/snacks etc. I enjoyed the snack, slept in the mkt. speech. ate good food. Told him that I was already an IBO when the form signing ceremony started, friend was mad why I did not tell him, I told him that I should be mad at him for wasting my time and not telling me where and what this meeting was about. Had a fun at his expense :-)
    in couple of weeks moved to Mid North East, where I did not face any AMWAY/QUI guy/s.

    Good HUmor for a wednesday..

    BTW, i lost a good old friend right in first week of landing, we worked @ same company in India(birlasoft), were happy to reach Uncle Sam, (he came before me)- asked me to join a meeting, will arrange pickup etc. somehow i missed the ride- LUCKY ME

    next day again it started out - he never said what it was about who is involved etc.
    i said no i dont think i would like to be involved, i was still calculating $1 = 45 Rupees, MCDONALD # 3 combo is Rs 300 oh lala, too expensive( YEAR 2000)

    So my kanjusi paid off, see sometimes being lazy helps

    2010 Melissa Joan Hart - Actress melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart and Mark
  • Melissa Joan Hart and Mark

  • lazycis
    02-14 09:23 AM



    and this


    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. for Dancing with the stars
  • for Dancing with the stars

  • bfadlia
    02-16 12:33 PM
    There may be truth in it. But not completely so. There are are lot of well qualified and experienced people. But there may be frauds too.

    Again it is a mixture of all kind of types coming through the consultants.
    So, the issue is that there are lot of qualified and experienced people in India that are willing to come to USA to seek better opportunities ( although these says , the students from top universities of India may not want to come here ) and i believe it is not that the consultant companies dump 'all who can walk' into USA. There may be a certain percentage that are 'deficient'.
    So, my main point is that , by virtue of larger population, India has larger number of graduates/employable folks. Plus many of them learn English ( if i need to communicate with people in other parts of India, i use English ) , may be with thick accent.

    mallu, i appreciate the rational arguments you made. But still a lot here falls under "yes we agree bodyshop practices are unfortunate, but let's pretend it has no concequences and it never harmed anybody" That is wrong.. I would hear time and again from ROW friends who land lucritive job offers here but when it's time to apply for H1 they fail because a handful of big bodyshops consume tens of thousands of visas for the exclusive offering in their homeland.. then we hear people now ask the remaining ROWs who managed to stay here against big odds to take another one for the team and help alleviate the problem of the big lines these bodyshops created and claiming this is for the sake of fairness and equality.

    i still see other posts with nothing but barking.. ok let it be, we can't do without those who have nothing to offer other than that.

    hair Melissa Joan Hart melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart in quot;Dancing
  • Melissa Joan Hart in quot;Dancing

  • voldemar
    04-28 01:16 PM
    so no more labor substitution han? that sounds so sweet to me. we should expect pd movement for eb3 now and maybe for eb2 too now. and this is the best news i have heard in such a long time.
    Not yet. Rule should be published in Federal Register.


    melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. MELISSA JOAN HART — Known for
  • MELISSA JOAN HART — Known for

  • andycool
    09-17 07:46 AM
    Here are the authentic numbers from FLCDataCenter.com (http://flcdatacenter.com/CasePerm.aspx)

    My analysis from those mdb files: (they are tricky because the data is for FY2005 while the priority date calculations we are doing are for the calendar year)

    calendar year 2005 ( received date between 3/19/2005 - 12/31/2005) = 8645
    year 2006 (rcv date between 1/1/2006 - 9/27/2006) = 15008

    after this it gets bad since the data has no receipt date, only certified date. my estimate is around 12000 for those 3 months of 2006.(total number of certified PERMs between 10/2/2006 - 03/31/2007 = 13873)

    total PERM approvals with PD between march 2005 and Dec 2006 ~ 37000

    If EB2 is 50%, we are talking ~19000, with an avg of 2.5 GCs per PERM, we need 47,500 GCs between Mar 05 and Jan 07.

    Good luck every one :(:D:mad:

    These numbers are not correct .....

    the total numbers of perm certified for india from March 2005 - March 2006 is ~ 11000 this includes all EB cases . I dont know how you got the number 37000 .

    this is from FLCDataCenter.com (http://flcdatacenter.com/CasePerm.aspx)

    hot Melissa Joan Hart, melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart Reflects on
  • Melissa Joan Hart Reflects on

  • doomer
    01-13 06:16 PM
    what the heck is all this
    i cant even understand a single word
    is it going to effect the students who did their masters here?
    right now im working as a contractor i did my masters over here
    is it gonna effect me now


    house DWTS judges chose Melissa Joan melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. melissa joan hart
  • melissa joan hart

  • prinive
    02-12 01:16 PM
    I dont think so....:o If that happens, I will send you a bag of sugar to you... :rolleyes:

    September 2001 will be current next month for sure ...

    tattoo actress Melissa Joan Hart, melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. joey-lawrence-melissa-joan-
  • joey-lawrence-melissa-joan-

  • Canuck
    02-13 10:19 PM
    Besides that, immigration is a privilege not a right, so if the US wants diversity and limit per country immigration, it is their right to do so.

    What rights did the Natives have in the 18th and 19th centuries when Europeans invaded their lands, and massacred most of them? Did they respectfully ask the Natives if they could immigrate? No? They walked in as if they owned this land. As a Canadian, I'm ashamed to say that this happened in my country too.

    Never think of immigration as a privilege - think of it as your birthright - this is your planet and you have the right to go wherever you want. Get into that mentality instead of the groveling "Please sir, I want some more" mentality.


    pictures Melissa Joan Hart makes an appearance on the season finale of melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. win with Melissa Joan Hart
  • win with Melissa Joan Hart

  • shingqor
    05-02 11:06 PM
    Just curious.

    Does it mean a uncouth rowdy person?

    Is it a Tamil word, or a Singhala word?

    Arava stands for over pitched language loudness..

    You are issuing some FATHWA on me LOL dude...??? Grow up..
    Are you there when some some one used Gujju word here...???

    dresses Melissa Joan Hart Reflects on melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart, actress
  • Melissa Joan Hart, actress

  • iv_only_hope
    02-13 10:31 AM
    You are right chanduv. If ppl are not even participating in letter campaign itself what to expect abt all this lawsuit stuff.


    makeup for Dancing with the stars melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. DWTS judges chose Melissa Joan
  • DWTS judges chose Melissa Joan

  • LostInGCProcess
    05-01 07:02 PM
    Sri Lankan Tamils may not be Indian citizens but are etinic Indians and that is what their problem is and it is the problem in several other places like Malasiya, Fiji, Trinidad etc. these people are still called Indians in these countries and being discriminated. India being a powerful nation should protect the rights of ethnic Indians, but it doesn't....most or all of us know the reasons, it is being ruled by a lame duck govt. who cannot protect citizens living within the Indian boundries, so even if they try to interfere in other countries affairs, I'm sure even a smal coutry like Sri Lanka has guts to say Shoooo!!!! to our foreign Minister. India does not have any respect whatsoever in the world politics now, whatever was earned during the NDA govt. is all lost, nobody sees India with any respect any more, so atleast in my mind I know the answer why India is turning a blind eye towards the killing of Tamils in Sri Lanka & blatant Human Rights murder by a tiniest neighbor

    I agree with you. It really amazes me that India is not even saying "something" being a so-called "super-power" in south Asia. Until the last generation of politicians are out of the indian political system, nothing is going to change when it comes to the image or pride of India. At least we should exert out strength and take a leadership role in South Asia and show our power.

    girlfriend joey-lawrence-melissa-joan- melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Jaime Pressly and Melissa Joan
  • Jaime Pressly and Melissa Joan

  • sledge_hammer
    01-14 02:01 PM
    A vrey very valid point!

    don't you think. AC21 (the famous Yates Memo) is also a memo. People expect USCIS to follow it though.... :o

    hairstyles MELISSA JOAN HART — Known for melissa joan hart dancing with the stars. Melissa Joan Hart and Mark
  • Melissa Joan Hart and Mark

  • kris101
    07-03 04:25 PM
    Hi Forum,

    I have come to USA last year and was getting paid consistently till May31. Now, on July 2nd new employer (not a desi, but a big company) applied for transfer on premium processing. I'm continuing with my old employer, and they are marketing me, and have all such emails. Just wanted to know whether the paystub will be an issue for transfer? And how soon can I join them, and what is the risk if I join them now, before I wait for response from INS?

    Any response in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    05-29 03:12 PM
    I strongly feel you guys are right regarding EB1 misuse. I also know of some people who are applying in EB1 using these loopholes. we should do something to stop this fraud.

    I've read other people's comments in this thread about how Cognizant is misusing EB1 category. I know a couple of folks who did that. This is something that should be brought up to the right people's observation. I plan to submit WH-4 atleast to begin with, against this company. Please PM me if you know anyone else who frauduently represented himself/herself for EB1 category.

    09-13 10:27 PM
    I filed my EB2 NIW in 2007, I 140 approved. Can change employer and move to another state, will it bring any RFE in future for 485 approval.

    If I change my field chemistry to biochemistry how is it going to affect my NIW petition.
