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lil wayne and kelly rowland motivation lyrics

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  • Kelly Rowland just premiered a

  • ita
    04-21 02:49 PM
    Get over the thought that you represent India
    Is this what you read into my 'India shining through sincere efforts of some people' line?
    I'm glad at least you read so much.Here I'm trying to convince you that you also represent India, you ask me to stop thinking I represent India.We all represent India (in what ever minuscule way it may be) so we need to get serious about it.That's what this whole thread is about.Don't run to Wiki now

    but lets see how far you go to discredit someone
    On one hand you say these are misdeeds ,when attributed to someone it amounts to discrediting them(Again I'm glad you didn't say I or some one I know have committed these deeds and trying to push on your beloved politician...oh wait you are not batting for anyone right?)

    And that is bad because ....... Oh well

    and then you wonder if it is bad.Talk of ambivalence.This line shows not just your ambivalence but much more. You find nothing wrong in lying to the state.That cool uh?

    This speaks volumes about your attitude and it's highly unnecessary for me to comment further.
    Generally speaking :
    There is huge difference between a guy who thinks of his house as a guest house or a Hotel and a guy who thinks of his house as his home.

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  • Lil#39; Wayne “Motivation”

  • sachug22
    09-24 03:32 PM
    I know you are talking about "7% country speciific limit for primary applicants" and "2% country specific dependent limit" So actually it is 9% limit - country specific together.

    But question is " what is the meaning of it?"

    The tables what are published in bulletin are meant for "Visa number availability".

    So numbers (28.6% divided by 5 per each preference-country) are meant for USCIS to process and assign visa numbers till that limit reached.

    "7% + 2%" country specific limit is meant for "Sending Greencard /Ordering Greencard".

    In simplest form, EB-I will have 8008 X 3 (Without spilied over) = 24024 applications assigned Visa number this year and out of that ( 9% X 140000 = 12600) lucky ones will get their physical green cards THIS YEAR. The rest will get their physical green cards next year though their files have been assigned numbers (Pre-adjudicated.) this year.

    Above mentioned explanation is the real meaning of this bullshit.

    I think I have tried my best to explain the process.:)

    Not sure what you are talking about. There are two rules as follows

    28.8% EB visas for each category EB1/EB2/EB3 and 6.8% for EB4/EB5
    7% limit for each country in EB category (India will get 9800 visa in all EB1-5 categories)

    To enforce the limit each EB subcategory (EB1/EB2/EB3/EB4/EB5) enforces country cap, no more than 2822 visa for India in EB1/EB2/EB3 categories.

    The limit can be extended when there are leftover visas (this is what has extended the limit for EB1/EB2/EB3 India for last few years).

    lil wayne and kelly rowland motivation lyrics. Kelly Rowland - Motivation
  • Kelly Rowland - Motivation

  • hopefulgc
    02-13 07:36 PM

    hopefulgc - please dedicate some time and update your first post with more information on lawsuit, you may want to quote lazycis 's posts and other information.

    A lot of people may not be very knowledgable and may backoff when they see the word "lawsuit".

    Those who are saying YES on the poll - it is assumed that you will not backoff - if you have not yet updated your profile on IV - please update your complete profile - this will show that you can be counted on.

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  • For the past few years, Kelly

  • STAmisha
    08-31 07:37 AM
    Yes Job market in India is lot hotter than Canada ( IT ) . For that matter it is hotter than US also !!!! But Canada is a 1st world not 3rd world. Once you get that first job in Canada and settle down, there is not much difference between US and Canada in terms of earning and saving potential. There is a short term pain for that INITIAL FIRST job in CANADA, but it is worth it.

    Do what you feel like ( moving to India vs Moving to canada) . Every place has its advanatges , In India, family is a big advantage. But quality of life especially social life really sucks! Canada, you have to consider weather ( it is COLLLLLDDDD in winter ). Do what is best for you

    Also, you mentioned that India has 50 times more jobs than Canada. It is true but the competition is also HUGE . Every teenager now a days does programming course and every second person is an enginneer.

    Good lUck


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  • because Kelly Rowland is

  • user_1980
    09-21 12:19 AM
    I'm about to transfer my H1. I have recent paystubs - Problem is that Paystub shows gap between pay date and pay period (around 7 weeks from pay period)..And, yeah I was in status all the time.

    will this paystub cause any problem while transfering H1-B to another employer?

    Please advice.


    lil wayne and kelly rowland motivation lyrics. Lil#39; Wayne – Motivation)
  • Lil#39; Wayne – Motivation)

  • cinqsit
    01-15 02:37 PM
    I am surprised why H1bs are angry ? This memo will impact the body shop only . Why shed tears for these desis dallas ? There is no bottom-line for these Indian Dallas. Now USCIS has just said we will follow the rules and people are worried ? Why the desi IT companies have/will not follow the rules.Work directly for client or good consulting companies. I see this end of Body shopping model of business.

    I thought the same way as you did too. I am no fan of these job shop companies but remember some one will pay the price and face hardships I hope its just those companies not the employees. But the way things are if this gets effective employees can also get into a limbo - which I dont like - like say someone has gone for visa stamping and that gets denied or worst his/her family is still in the US - or something like that. Its true that the employee should try and look for a new job opportunity meeting new regulations but its not easy as it sounds.

    More important point to consider is that new rules/regulations the way I understand it were suddenly implemented mid-stream - you cant do that. What if in after some time they apply same regulations to say people on EAD and using AC21 (i am still not clear whether it already applies to EAD we will have to wait for legal experts to comment) ? Or worse yet they come up with new regulations for people who already have their GC's approved ?



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  • Kelly Rowland Ft Lil Wayne –

  • bayarea07
    07-27 05:50 PM
    Why donot you ask your uplines to show their Tax Papers for previous papers to you and to others.
    Please ask that as a question next time you visit your upline or diamond next time and then come share your thoughts here.

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  • Photo Kelly Rowland

  • god_bless_you
    10-23 02:33 PM
    Hello everyone.

    I was wondering if someone could point me to how exactly labor substitution works.

    Before anyone starts jumping down my throat, i am JUST looking for documentation on the full process and I DID try looking on the google.

    If someone has any article on labor substitution and how it works please post it on here.

    Check Immigration Portal forums Labor certification .. Preapproved LC
    Labor substitution Pros Con's etc.. widely discussed there...



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  • Kelly Rowland ft Lil Wayne

  • breddy2000
    09-04 07:47 PM

    Don�t assume that things will work like they work in YSR regime.

    If you think that, the discussion does not make any sense to you then keep away. You are assuming that IMV has compromised security. FYI, this is not a YSR forum, nor it his jagir to do a security compromise.

    Wow Mr. Chandu.....Procliaming that he is has access to Admin rights and saying that he is not compromising on the security aspect as this is not YSR forum.....

    This AH has revealed someones full name publicly where no one knows how to do that...except Admins....

    Thats it Guys.......I'm out of this....

    If I'm CHANDUV23, I would have retaliated from my posts so far...Looks like "_TrueFacts" is more offended than "CHANDUV23" offcourse we know both are same.....

    Hats off Man....

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  • She my motivation, I#39;m her

  • snram4
    01-24 05:37 PM
    I am not happy or sad about the memo. If H1b program is tightened or relaxed I will not be impacted anyway. Infact if more Indians are coming here more beneficial for Indian community.Simply my view is if H1b is regulated to minimise fraud the entire H1b program will get become legitimate and Increasing the cap is possible in future if needed

    I am filing a lawsuit. Want to join me ? :cool:

    Please read this
    MurthyDotCom : H1B Memo on Employer-Employee Relationships and 3rd-Party Placements (http://www.murthy.com/news/n_e-erel.html)

    Read the conclusion. I am sure that won't make you happy.


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  • TAGS: kelly rowland, Lil Wayne

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    10-04 04:30 PM
    my post carefully, you would notice that I used the words 'might be'.



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  • Kelly Rowland Motivation Remix

  • vivid_bharti
    09-04 11:20 AM
    If you and other who have problems with this thread, don't like this discussion than why do you guys bother to come on this thread, just ignore it....This is not contributing to anything. I dont think oposing parties in this discussion will ever come to an agreement so what is the purpose of carrying on. Please close this and lets concentrate on something else.


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  • The single features rapper Lil

  • deepakjain
    01-22 11:18 AM
    The solution for this is to talk to USCIS thro IV or AILA or both. If that will not work then lawsuit will be the option if USCIS violated any law. If that also fails then legistrative option to realx the rules. If first option does not work then others are long shot. If nothing works then do not join bodyshoppers.

    At Chicago POE, immi officer took my passport and 797 [entire bunch of papers] called up my HR Manager and after speaking to my HR manager gave me I-94 until 1st April 2012 [date on my 797].

    Note: Please have off hrs contact/Cell number of your HR manager and your manager


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  • Kelly Rowland Feat. Lil Wayne

  • hiralal
    05-31 03:47 PM
    That's a much better suggestion than playing carrot-and-stick on real-estate bargains Mr. Hiralal.

    Now, what would really be effective is for our own people that are already naturalized and integrated and assimilated and digested in the US system to stand up for our cause.

    Please, do this for us seniors. As citizens and permanent residents, your voice will be effectively heard. Case in point - legislation on re-uniting families. To begin with, family based has nearly 60% more visas than employment based and nearly 80% of the visas available are exempt from per-country limits. And yet, the politicians want to reform family based immigration process because the people at the receiving end are their citizens. There is nothing wrong with it because the wait-time for extended family members are really long too which is a shame. But you see, there are bills that are actively discussed and passed in that category i.e fundamental solutions are being explored.

    Why is Mr. Bobby Jindal and likes of him not taking up our cause actively? People use their "humble-background" in campaign times. Why do they fail in holding out a helping hand to people that are stuck in such "humble-background"? Do you see such apathy in other minority communities?


    there is no harm in having several campaigns ..that will atleast keep members active and interested ..in case you haven't noticed lot of people on EAD have just become laid back and lazy (and sort of insist that nothing will go wrong )


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  • Kelly Rowland - Motivation

  • nandakumar
    07-21 12:30 PM
    I too live in Bay area and have been stalked by lot of Amway/quickstar folks, even couple of my friends tried all their tricks to make us Amway members, after repeated refusals they say that we are losers but in fact they are the losers, losing friends day by day.

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  • Destiny#39;s Child alumna Kelly

  • hiralal
    05-31 12:51 AM
    I agree but complete removal of county quota is almost impossible ...diversity is just a name !!! US political system in super advanced in many ways(US contitution was written centuries ago and is much better than Indian ..remember the foreigner becoming PM issue and multi party mess that India has) ..my guess would be that country quota limits were introduced to prevent one country nationals from becoming a eventual majority . ofcourse the migration from south Am is another issue)
    and hence a better bet would be recapture ..


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  • Tags: Kelly Rowland

  • eb2waiter
    05-09 05:01 PM
    for those in US GC and thinking of applying to canadian pr...

    DONT DO IT !!!

    You just end up spending around 3k-6k for you and your dependants, and it will go unused since you are waiting for US GC.

    the best way for canadian shit is to go back to India when you are sure you will not get the US GC. You can then think of canadian PR from India.

    The canadian government just takes your money and you dont get jobs easily. Most of the jobs are for people with job experience "INSIDE CANADA".

    India is a good place to shit too. Your daily toilet does not HAVE to be in some other country if the restrooms in US are closed forever.


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  • Kelly Rowland has released her

  • iv_only_hope
    02-13 10:31 AM
    You are right chanduv. If ppl are not even participating in letter campaign itself what to expect abt all this lawsuit stuff.

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  • Kelly Rowland amp; Lil Wayne

  • delax
    07-29 12:53 PM
    I agree with this comment. Starting Oct, EB2-Ind is likely to retrogress to 03/2003 to 06/2003.

    Not a legal advice.

    I doubt it. My sense is that USCIS has already processed most of EB2-I cases until early 2004 - based on approval trend seen on IV, Murthy Forum, and a ton of personal friends. If it goes back it may go back to Fall 2004 time frame.

    10-04 09:24 AM
    as far as I don't agree about the system where people who come in after us get their GC through labor substitution, and the system is being abused. I wish they would count years of stay in America, rather than anything else:)

    09-23 09:57 PM
    Seems to be a fair idea even though I don't qualify. I did a dumbest thing of buying house in 2006 even before apply for the Green card ( though I submitted all required documents in 2004, my corporate company filed only in 2006 waiting for PERM process to stabilize).

    I'm still hanging on my house though it lost 27% value with no GC or not even approved 140 ...