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  • walking_dude
    02-13 12:59 PM
    On the contrary, fight for keeping the country limits will kill the movement as Indians who form more than 80% of IV will feel disillusioned and leave. Once that happens ROW can as well kiss the GC increase good bye.

    Like grupak mentioned real workable solution is 1) Increase overall numbers (will benefit ROW as well as oversubscribed countries) 2) Eliminate the meaningless country quota. If there is an increase in overall numbers removal of country quotas will have very low impact on ROW. This is the fact.

    But there are still some fanatics who pick up fights to keep the country quotas intact. If all of them quit IV damage will still be minimum, when compared to Indians (80% of IV) leaving. Movement will survive and thrive. How many ROW were there at DC rally? Of those present, half were on the stage. Of course I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

    My challenge to ROW members who keep on harping about the split in the movement - PARTICIPATE!! Just being active on the forum and posting a hundred posts doesn't make you part of the movement. I hardly see many ROW members volunteering or accepting leadership roles. Unlike EB immigration, IV is open to everyone no matter where you were born. We don't have any 7% quota per country ! And yet, why are the active volunteers, leadership, contributors - the REAL movement- is disproportinately Indian.

    Want to influence the movement, be a significant part of it. That's real democracy.

    A row — also called a record or tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in a table :) (I think the discussion becomes too hot, time to cool down, folks. The solution is not to remove per country limits, but to increase EB quota or at least to recapture lost visa numbers. Fight for removing per country limits will divide IV and is very unlikely to achieve something.)

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  • pappu
    04-01 12:45 PM
    Calm down everyone.

    The thread was posted in a seperate area we have created for such posts. As Marphad said, you cannot discuss immigration all day. IV is a platform for everyone in the community to be together. If you just talk about immigration, we may not get the number of people we need for action items. When we start action items to make calls, send faxes etc, we want people sending it in thousands and not hundreds. It hurt us last year when we had such action items and participation was thin. If we make the forums strictly to discuss immigration it will hurt us in time of need when we will desperately need massive participation. This is part of a plan in moving forward for IV and we are building a platform for immigrants to come and stay here and consider it as their home. This work is still under process and you will see its fruits when we have a big bill like CIR. There is a possibility of CIR after August and we need to be ready for it. We are hearing health care reform coming before CIR at this time. There is pressure from CHC and it will be tough to ignore.

    So do not get emotional and start fighting. It is tme to be united and increase the membership of our community. We will need to burn the phone lines and jam the fax machines with our participation when the time comes.

    I have deleted my post on this thread. As an administrator I represent IV and I will keep in mind not to air my personal views on politics as they can be misinterpreted as IV's views.


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  • Gurpreet
    08-30 02:45 PM
    Hi Friends,
    Is this same in case of Australian PR as well? Has anyone got an extension of Australian PR for another 5 years without fulfiling the criteria of being physically present in Australia for 2 years out of the total 5 years.


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  • user1205
    02-12 02:55 PM
    I doubt it. I think we'll start seeing the results of that rule in the next couple of months and then it will maybe get retrogressed.

    Does this mean they have accounted for the people who will claer the name check hurdle after the recent memo? I was expecting EB2 ROW to retrogress based on that.


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  • breddy2000
    09-04 07:47 PM

    Don�t assume that things will work like they work in YSR regime.

    If you think that, the discussion does not make any sense to you then keep away. You are assuming that IMV has compromised security. FYI, this is not a YSR forum, nor it his jagir to do a security compromise.

    Wow Mr. Chandu.....Procliaming that he is has access to Admin rights and saying that he is not compromising on the security aspect as this is not YSR forum.....

    This AH has revealed someones full name publicly where no one knows how to do that...except Admins....

    Thats it Guys.......I'm out of this....

    If I'm CHANDUV23, I would have retaliated from my posts so far...Looks like "_TrueFacts" is more offended than "CHANDUV23" offcourse we know both are same.....

    Hats off Man....

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  • alterego
    12-14 01:33 PM
    Think of lobbying as polite negotiation.
    Think of Supreme court case as picking a fist fight, in which we are badly out numbered.
    Once you have started a fist fight it is much harder to negotiate, especially from a loosing position.

    This is exactly correct. It is not the question of right or wrong here. That is what gets folks so upset on this thread, they feel since their viewpoint s right then.......... Most neutral observers like mbartosik can see this as unjust and there may be many in the US as well, however certainly not the majority. However, there are many ways in which this could backfire. One example is the recently seen debate over illegal immigration and the turn in public sentiment. Truth be told, if someone did something wrong 12 yrs ago(crossed the fence), now is married to a US citizen and has 3 US children, what do you do with them? What about the 3yr old who was brought to the USA by their parents and knows no other system? Perhaps a few years ago joe public would have given them a pass, no more, the debate has become so nasty that positions have been hardened to the point that reason does not prevail. Another reason has something to do with the perceived sense of entitlement Americans sensed in the illegal immigrant community(of course fanned by Lou Dobbs and his ilk). These are complex issues and generally you will get a lot further appealing to someones sense of fairness than explaining how you are entitled to something and will take it from them if it is not given to you.


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  • jchan
    07-25 12:09 PM

    A question about the FB spillover: according to your data, there are about 30000 FB visa spillover from last year. But does USCIS have to use up all of them? If the answer is yes, then the September VB will very likely be current. If the USCIS only need to use up the 147000 EB and use whatever portion of the FB spillover, then September VB may not move.

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  • Rohan99
    07-26 02:46 PM
    I like this thread a lot. It is so relaxing, especially after reading "EB2-EB3 Predictions (Rather Calculations).. " this thread is so intense, and uses 100% of brain capacity

    You seem to be enjoying this thread. This should be lighten up - 2 :)


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  • snathan
    01-14 01:47 PM
    My friend works for Deloitte & Touche and they charge $550/hr and he gets $75/hr.. so what? And he is USC.
    Do you know the rates top consulting company charges? they normally starts from $400/hr+ in Accenture, PWC, KPMG, E&Y Etc and their employee's do not get paid more than 20%. Its a practice around the world.

    But the difference here is the LCA says their salary as 55K.

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  • grupak
    02-15 06:42 PM
    I don't know what % of that group consists of H4 spouse of H1 folks. But i believe a good percentage of those applied through the TOEFL,GRE route.

    Anyone knows of statistics for F1 visas per country? This might fill in some gaps here. My impression was some countries send more F1s than others.


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  • NNReddy
    06-15 07:52 PM
    I am certainly hoping that I will get by EOY 2011. It's more than hope, I feel pretty confident that by that time I should get it. Just mark my words, come back on dec 31, 2011 and check with me. You have to believe before you get it. Have faith guys. Sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can!!!!

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  • soljabhai
    12-14 03:33 PM
    Personally I do not believe that the 7% limit is discrimination. The 7% limit for all countries appears to be equal, it leads to an issue as described below.

    2 individuals, one from an oversubscribed country and one from an under subscribed country, leads to their career being affected by where they have been born.

    Even though this situation might not be and in all probability is not discrimination, it does lead to conflict certain with certain other government regulations like EEO etc. Which one has precedence? Why?

    I don't know the answer to these questions. Nor do I profess any super ability to even make the correct evaluation. But it does present itself to be a moral dilemma. Precisely the situations where the courts might be able to provide guidance (assuming they haven't already)


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  • bestofall
    05-29 03:37 PM
    i agree. to add the worst, if anyone jump to cognizant from other big companies like wipro, infy etc they designate you in management level may be 5 years + exp after graduation who is unfit for management lack of very basic communication skills, half knowledged tech skill etc etc etc. Moreover people jump to cognizant for onsite to USA and eventually settle in USA. For the reason being cognizant bring the people on L visa and do EB1C quick green card processing for management. while they file perm they fabricate the responsiblities to suit the EB1c requirement.
    At the same time the person who stayed longer and longer with cognizant won't get promoted that easily to management.

    one more thing i like to add here, cognizant makes the world feel it is a american company but the truth Cognizant technologies is 100% indian (desi) company like other companies like infy, wipro, tcs.

    23 days ago by cts 0 Votes
    how do we bring this to uscis attention about L1A fraud and cognizent employees applying in eb1 catagory by producing fake doc...

    Can not agree more.

    We get engaged in all kinds of discussions EB1 Vs EB2, EB-I Vs EB ROW. bulletin predictions...But we all skilled immigrants can not figure out how to unite and resolve the big issue of backlog. When one person suggests any initiative( flower campaign, call campaign, letter campaign etc.) more 20 people hammer him or her and spend their full energy in proving how suggested idea will not work. Next time the guy does not even think about suggesting anything. On top of that some will come up with their line" Have you contributed, If not then do that first".Our lack of unity will keep us here for a long time to come. In coming months and years, some people will lose interest, stop visiting this site and move on. Others will come to see if there is any POSITIVE news and some will still keep fighting over the issues of EB1 vs EB2 vs India vs China Vs ROW.

    Good Luck

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  • jonty_11
    11-01 05:18 PM
    you may receive a letter in 1 -2 months.
    That may have a confirmation receipt number OR
    your whole packet back with reason as to why your application was returned. So read carefully and refile.


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  • thepaew
    12-14 04:30 PM
    Well Said - I feel that this discussion is counterproductive. In my opinion (I am no lawyer but I feel strongly about this), there is no constitutional remedy available. The only accomplishment may be that we alienate non-Indian members.
    I know what I am about to say will trigger a lot of reaction and some resentment, but it has to be said on behalf of those who are not Indian. I think the per country limit is to ensure that people of all nationalities and races have an equal opportunity to obtain a green card and to ensure that no one nationality, group, or even sector (i.e. IT) monopolizes the so few visas that are available. In fact, in the visa lottery, countries become excluded when the number of immigrants from them reach a certain point, so we are lucky they do not do that in the Employment-based system!

    I think that by wanting to remove the per country limit so more Indians can avail of the green card quota is both asking for "special treatment" and a slap in the face for all the non-Indian IV members. The more I read the threads on this site, the more I feel that this organization is geared just to one ethnic group. I am sure that Indians probably make up the majority of members, but the founders of IV (I hope) did not want this organization to become one-sided! Please be considerate of ALL members and try to come up with suggestions that would benefit ALL members!!!:mad:

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  • ryan
    08-18 10:44 PM
    I'm not from India, so you know how non-Indian will look at this issue..

    And it goes on and on for 66 mins or 2 hrs until he finally realize that he's a nobody in US.

    This is the kinda thread that non-Indian will laugh at. There's lots of non-Indian that goes to this public forum (such as me). Just trying to help IV to not lose credential just because of this sorts of "indian" exclusive thread.

    I agree / hear you. The post is laughable, nevertheless if you read through the comments, you'd see being 'Indian' does not equate to having similar views. I think the majority of Indian folks who leave their homes / loved ones to make a living have more intelligence and substance to them than the bozos in 'bollywood' - a national and an international embarrassment. Admins, please consider removing this post.


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  • garybanz
    12-13 04:28 PM
    Since this can potentially be a great win for us, why don't we take the advice of a top constitutional attorney. I am sure the attorney will be able to tell us if we have a case. As for the cost, I think an hours time of any attorney will be peanuts compared to what we can afford.

    What say LogicLife?


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  • u.misc
    01-19 12:00 PM
    agreed 100% but read my post with a sense of humor. No malice towards any desi consulting co. It was pure humor .

    What part of the following was the pure humor ?

    1. Yours extensive, in depth and first hand understanding of Prostitution business as it was your family business.
    2. The sophistication of your thinking that your sister working for Consulting Company is as good as her working in brothel.
    3. Reverting from all the BS you said about desi people working as consultants.

    Shut the hell up.

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  • jonty_11
    10-04 10:54 AM
    I have Applied for Canadian PR, got a receipt # back. I want to add my wife now. However, she has a shoplifting incident back in 2001 in Singapore. I know we have to provide Police Cert for Singapore nowadays.

    Reading on cic.ga website, they do pardon such offenses in 5 - 10 years depending on seriosness of the offense. ANyone has concrete infomration on this? Would really help is adding my wife on to my appliaction the correct way.

    09-15 11:06 AM
    month priority date No of appr 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
    June-08 4/1/2004 122 2 9 18 61 30
    July-08 4/1/2004 88 1 7 14 29 36
    August-08 6/1/2006 261 0 3 5 19 63 103 67
    Sept-08 8/1/2006 3 0 1 0 0 2

    Thanks for this useful info. 05 & 06 approved #s in Q-4 of 08 looks very significant - these alongwith approval of 'multiple filed AOS' will surely reduce wait time for 05-EB2i. Hop[efully before june 05 cases will be done.

    10-15 03:37 PM
    logon ke muh mein ghee shakkar:)