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  • villamonte6100
    12-14 01:12 PM
    I know. I work for a prestigious law firm and I know how hard it is to become a lawyer.

    There was a thread some time back about people considering going to law school and becoming their own lawyers. What I took out of it was that its not that easy. Besides going to school, you have to pass some tough state exams. I am quite happy with my lawyer. I paid some dough but its much cheaper than going to law school, and saves me time and headache.

    Going to law school is not for everyone, definitely not for me (fat books scares me :eek:). I like the suggestion by garybanz about getting a qualified opinion. Just so that we know.

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  • nitinboston
    05-29 04:52 PM
    Its time to wake up. The writing is on the wall. I have been stuck in EB3 since 2005 and i dont see myself getting a GC anytime soon. The only way the govt here will realise how much we contribute to this economy is, When we will start leaving in droves.
    I got my PR to Canada in 8 months and am already applying for job's there. I think i am done with this system, there are way too many people running after way few GC's. And USCIS knows it, we are a bunch of brown people sitting on our knees begging for GC. We have become the slaves of 21'st century, and i am gonna break free from it. More of us do so, better it would be. If US wants to loose all educated hard working people to Canada, Australia and other countries, so be it.

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  • sbabunle
    08-03 03:22 PM
    Here is the link
    on more abt substitution

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  • tikka
    07-04 12:18 PM
    http://digg.com/politics/U_S_Withdraws_Offer_of_60_000_Job_Based_Visas_Ange ring_Immigration_Lawyer/who

    http://digg.com/politics/Rep_Lofgren_Issues_Statement_on_Updated_Visa_Bulle tin



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  • poorslumdog
    08-15 09:55 PM
    You might want to read this warning to yourself. I am not a Muslim myself, but solely pointing to the obscureness of the system. Even Kamal Hassan payed a price for his name, it's high time this changes, and this routine harrasment is very comparable to the H1B experience at POE.

    I dont see any Harashment...They are not beating you. Just its extra verification. If you dont like that you are more than welcome not to come here. Everyday hundereds of people going this process and no one is crying foul and why only this time.?

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  • TeddyKoochu
    09-24 10:28 AM
    I believe that to maintain a steady 485 EB2-I queue the dates should advance fairly fast till maybe the end of 2007 much sooner than September. Following are the reasons, 6 months back probably there were less pre-adjudicated applications so the focus was reviewing and completing these cases, now most of the applications are pre-adjudicated and the route for steady approvals looks clear like what has happened in Sep 2009 for 2004 cases. There will be a time if the spillover happens as many have predicted then most of the cases will get approved and the pre-adjudicated applications will be less or even dry out, so in the letter and spirit I feel that the 485 pipeline should be equally populated at all steps, considering that the 485 approval process is long and has several steps. This year represents great hope for people who missed Jul 07; I guess its time for the next batch to get EAD/AP, I hope Iam not being over optimistic. Feedback and comments welcome for all.


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  • gc_dream2009
    01-13 02:40 PM
    I completely agree with amitjoey and willigetgc.

    Blaming IV on one hand for the lack of enthusiasm and support from EB3 community and on the other hand - for a stand-still in the Congress when it comes to EB specific bills/laws is inappropriate. And then asking IV to drum up a fake EB3 relief measure to encourage this community is a disastrous way to go.

    I recently spoke with one of the admins (reached via contacts page) who gave a very realistic view of how things stand in the Congress and otherwise...and I truly encourage other members to talk to the right folks to get facts rather than getting misled by pure rhetoric. I trust that IV core advocacy wil identify the right bills/legislations to push for and hopefully regional grass-roots members will support those efforts. This Diversity bill might prove to be good practice but we should not have any false hopes. it just gives us another reason to blame IV later on - and IV is the only true platform we have.

    Other than that let me just paste the following I wrote on another thread in response to Plainspeak's approach -
    You do not represent my opinions. So please stop advocating yourself as an EB3 representative. With the points you have raised and the negative vibes you have created between EB2 vs EB3, you have shown that you are concerned and frustrated only about your own personal GC situation and are trying to use the EB3 tag to shove it down my throat. Which I completely detest.

    Let me see if I understand PlainSpeak's language:
    1. IV core needs to put a lot of resources to lobby for the DV bill, knowing full well that this bill will go nowhere!

    2. Raise a false sense of hope among the EB3 community, again, knowing full well that its going to be dashed - just so that IV gains the trust of EB3 (I am EB3, and they have my trust without your logic!)

    3. An exercise to gain trust by misleading!:D

    I wonder why IV core did not come up with this brilliant idea ;)

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  • bayarea07
    07-22 12:18 AM
    Here is the response i see in Greg Siskind Blog
    Hi Ash - Hard to say. Clearly, the jump in EB-2 numbers this month was meant to try and ensure that the maximum visa numbers get used this fiscal year. If USCIS is still far off from using the numbers, then I could see the dates going current. Then, of course, you have new numbers available for October so the dates may move forward anyway.


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  • snathan
    08-16 05:13 PM
    Well, explain to me, if an american celebrity, such as Brad Pitt or George Clooney is detained at IGI for 66 mins, taken aside for secondary in another chamber, made to wait,

    if robert gates (defense secretary), is asked to remove his shirt

    if ex president bush or clinton is frisked for secondary, would that be acceptable to americans?

    NO. We agree on the answer atleast. Do people in India have to KNOW them?

    You are missing the point here. Americans are doing what they are supposed to do. Our babus are not able to do anything to even ward consuler or local MLA. Whoes mistake that is.

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  • amsgc
    07-18 11:59 PM
    Its all very confusing. We will know more when we get into August.


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  • BharatPremi
    05-11 09:57 PM

    I'm already in my beloved place and with your contribution and help to Immigration Voice, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the help.

    Remember, you are doing this to potentially ditch India and to change your nationality and are going to take oath

    "I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law..............."

    My question is, hypothetically if in future if there is a war between USA and India, and hypothetically you become a US citizen, how do you conform to the oath?

    Looks like my posting hit the nerve hard, i see it from your response.

    I'm cultured enough not to bring your mother and father into the conversation.

    Good Luck


    It is pretty much proven that in your mental territory you have already ditched India and it is the USA which will take long to grant you a GC and then afterwards citizenship for which you almost represented your beggar like mentality. But that is not my concern and should not be. I have only one question to you and I hope youwould try to answer it with all possible honesty.

    Q: What will be your view regarding USA's official policy to consider LTTE a terrorist organisation? ONce you will be come US citizen how will you align yourself with this policy?

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  • ingegarcia
    10-09 04:17 PM
    I am another person of TN1 to GC.

    TN1 can change job. Only thing you have to travel to nearest boarder with Two page TN1 petition, job offer letter, canadian citizen certificate, and educational credentials (you can also file to NSC but it will take few months to get approve).

    TN1 has to be renew every years and it can be renew for indefinate time (not like 6 years for H1B).

    As far as I know one who holds TN visa cannot apply for Green Card. :)


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  • pointlesswait
    09-15 06:26 PM
    its a temp relief..not a permanent one.;)

    Lets all email : uscis ombudsman office...maybe that will be a good start.

    Good idea but could you clarify why "next 2-3 months"? what after that? Just curious why you put that time frame there

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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-13 05:54 PM
    ...actually makes sense...


    When an argument is held in the Supreme Court you often hear the justices asking "What if" type questions, some of them verge on being narrow circumstances, but to declare something unconstitutional can have a wide impact and is a fundamental, so it should account for odd circumstances too.

    So here goes a potential set of arguments:

    Q> What if the Congress was unable to discriminate in other categories of immigration based on nation of birth? Would that mean that in time of war, immigrants would have to be admitted from a country with whom we were at war?

    Q> Would Congress no longer be permitted to try to balance the ethnic makeup of the country?

    I agree it is unfair on individuals, on groups, and it does smell, but I doubt that it is unconstitutional. I take the pragmatic view in my prior post on this thread (many posts back).

    Extending my pragmatic view:

    Even if it were found to be unconstitutional, then Congress can always amend the constitution, and if a Supreme Court ruling affected more than just EB category, then I would not be surprised to see an amendment. Then the only advantage would be to draw attention to the issue. But you know that the anti's would just make the argument --- "Look the evil immigrants are trying to write our immigration policy", and that would be an easy argument to make so then we would see something more restrictive in the end.

    So even if we won, we would likely loss.

    Just being pragmatic.

    (I'm not a lawyer - and my H1B enforces this)


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  • somegchuh
    10-10 01:01 PM
    Can someone clarify the following for me?

    1. How hard/easy is it to get TN visa? Is it restricted only to specialized professions like H1 or can ppl with general office (HR/marketing) etc also get TN visa?
    2. Can spouse work or is it same state as H4?
    3. How hard/easy is it to switch jobs?
    4. What does it take to apply for green card while on TN (without switching to H status)
    5. Anyone tried L1 route from Canada to US?

    Basically, my question is it worth the trouble trying to get a GC if you are a canadian citizen?

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  • gdilla
    07-11 06:46 PM
    Canada has several professional football teams. Infact, the CFL is the oldest professional sports league in North America, predating the NHL, NFL, NBA, and MLB. Even the first NBA game ever was played in Canada. I guess you mean Canada has no NFL team? Then yes, you're right. Canadian football is a better game, with 3 downs for 10 yards instead of 4, and a longer, narrower field (means more passing then running).

    Hi congrats and good luck !!!

    but, remember Once an American Always an American !!!

    Live free or Die !!!

    Please, do come back , when they fix immigration system... America does need skilled talented professionals like you to compete against outsourcing in a flat world.

    and remember Canada does not yet has a professional football team, go patriots !!!


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  • greyhair
    01-13 09:21 PM
    actaccord: I also want to see civilized discussion. But that is not possible with people like PlainSpeak/GCPerm. I know this person. He has always tried to create Eb2/Eb3 divide. The problem is not with language of some of the posts you referred as "uncivilized", the problem is that for every post there are hundreds of people silently reading each posts. Each post influences those silent readers. If unanswered snakes like GCPerm can cause a lot of damage.

    In an open anonymous forum you need to develop a thick skin. Person of every strip and belief can post anything. If you cannot handle this, it is better for you to resign from accessing any or all websites.For a period of time, I felt the same way as you did but it does not work that way. Stop this nonsense of political correctness when snakes like GCPerm spit venom to divide everyone.

    A forum is a combination of all sorts of ideas and expression. You may like some and you may not like some. If you or your friends find it so difficult to stand this expression, then please sit quietly in your home because you cannot join hands with anyone in this real and rough world. How long are we going to " try to gain confidence" of more members? How long? I do not want to gain confidence of anyone anymore. If I was to make a decision, I would say that I don't need those members who cannot stand a little bit of rough reality. I am not going to do anything to "gain confidence" of others. If you want to work then good for you. If you don't want to work on the issue affecting your family, then so be it. You are doing a favor to no one but yourself when you speak with your Congressman. So Good luck and Good bye. But don't preach civility to everyone if you cannot first respond to PlainSpeak. I hate this Eb2/Eb3 fight.

    at least one person could respond in more civilized and matured way. These kind of response will give good impression about a forum.

    Guys please keep your comments in more civilized way to keep/gain good public image of the forum.

    I do read most of the threads in this forum (whenever I feel free) i feel some of members who are donors/senior members feel they can get to fight (in abusive way) with any one on any thread no matter whether it spoils the image of forum or their response adds no value to the thread. These kind of attitude can be expected from new members as they may have wrong intentions (or to just vent their frustrations) to join in a forum. But people who are very senior and donors responding in uncivilized manner is not good for them as well as the forum.

    I don't see anything wrong PlainSpeak's suggestion but I can't comment on if her suggestion is workable or not. But we can just explain what is right or wrong instead of getting into fight mode.

    I would like to see some kind of administration control (removing the response, warning the members) on those threads with abusive/uncivilized response. I know it is tedious job but once we have senior/donors under civilized conversation controlling new members will be of easier as seniors/donors can report those unwanted conversations.

    It would be great place to share ideas (good, bad, right, wrong) if those uncivilized response is reduced. The lesser the uncivilized response more the people willing to join hands.

    I wanted to join hands but those uncivilized comments keeping me away from participating. I do have friends who joined after me referring felt the same, some even stopped visiting this forum after seeing uncivilized fightings.

    There are great people like amitjoey who convey the message in more civilized way (as far as I have seen) and help others (its not easy to post 1100+ posts....). I am new to this country and have very less experience and knowledge to share. But I hope one day I can guide/help some people like amitjoey.

    Reason for me to share my thought is amitjoey, otherwise I would have just gone through the thread and felt bad about this forum for uncivilized comments. I am not into any group yet (Eb2/3) as my comp is not going to sponsor gc as per new policy, so I don't belong to any group (or we can say group who's gc never filed). When I read PlainSpeak's comment I thought she was right and after reading amitjoey's comment I learned another view for this issue. After reading those two comments I understand the issue and why IV took different direction or direction different from PlainSpeak's. But when I continued reading this thread I felt why some educated people with good intentions have bad thoughts and respond to others in uncivilized way. In the whole thread only two comments make's sense to me rest doesn't belong/fit to this forum.

    Lets get more new members and be civilized to gain confident which will gain more strength to the forum.

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  • software7
    05-31 07:06 PM
    this pending I485 applications include dependents

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  • romysree
    08-14 02:31 PM

    After i received my EAD i changed my employer. Now i am thinking about representing myself instead of my previous attorney. Could you please suggest the forms/procedures to do the same?


    09-23 04:16 PM
    Did it occur for a single moment that if some one gets out of the line, the line gets shorter? F Y I, This is NOT about me. This is about every one here. I did not dream of this situation which directly favors some one today. Simply, Not many folks knew it was going to be this bad. Folks who knew, kept quiet telling people that its NOT that bad. There is NOT going to be a single solution that benefits every one involved here. Let it be recapture, country limits or advanced degree exemption. Choice is (y)ours. We can decide to be the frogs in the well and pull the next frog down or we can work on making this pitch which can be palatable to sensible people, who understand the magnanimity of the situation

    I am sorry, but ends do not justify the means. By calling people frogs in a well trying to pull down others, you are shutting down valid arguments and concerns.

    If the only mentality is that if one gets out of line, the line gets shorter, there are various ways to achieve it (For example: just go on a killing spree targeting all EB applicants). We need something that is acceptable to both the politicians and the immigrants.

    07-25 07:01 PM
    I still believe in EB2 will try to catch up current by next October.