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  • Osiris
    07-22 12:37 AM
    One of the main problems with Indians is that they are too nice to say "No" most of the times! Stop being nice or polite to these guys! I have been approached by these people before and the only thing that I say them is "Just leave me alone! I have a life unlike you."

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  • jkays94
    07-11 10:00 PM
    One of my friend was so frustated with this situtation , that he even explored IT jobs in gulf countries.He was telling me IBM has big presence there & with US experience , you can get manaegerial position with almost double salary.Also its nearer from India.

    Not to mention that if the offer is good and depending on the country, it is not uncommon to get a tax free salary, housing, 2 round trip tickets to one's home country for the individual and their family, in essence your major cost will likely just be food!

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  • singhsa3
    03-02 08:40 PM
    Belling the Cat
    Long ago, the mice (folks on this forum) held a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the cat (read USCIS). Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he though would meet the case.
    "You will all agree," said he, "that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us. Now, if we could receive some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her. I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the cat (read lawsuit to be filled against USCIS) . By this means we should always know when she was about, and could easily retire while she was in the neighborhood."
    This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who is to bell the cat?"
    The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. Then the old mouse said, "It is easy to propose difficult remedies."

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  • ramus
    07-04 09:10 AM
    Anybody who got contact at NPR or anybody who want to take a challenge and work on contacting NPR and telling them about our story.



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  • ilwaiting
    10-24 11:33 AM
    Looks like a question for "HowStuffworks.com". But anyway, this is a complicated issue that an attorney can advise you better. And as you might see not many people here like this topic.

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  • gc28262
    01-24 01:34 PM
    Kindly visit this forum
    USCIS new memo on Employer-Employee relationship - Topic Powered by Infopop (http://murthyforum.atinfopop.com/4/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1024039761&f=4234032861&m=1181028202&p=2)
    and see yourself how people differ on this memo. It seems so many people are happy about this memo for the following reason:
    1. They are not affected by this memo ( for sure ).
    2. They are fed up with Body Shoppers.

    You can not ask them to change as they have their own take on this memo.
    Personally after reading so many scenarios I don't support this memo.

    If you see JoeF in that thread, he is more of an anti-immigrant. There are many in our community who are happy at the plight of their fellow countrymen. That is no reason that people should support this non-sense memo.

    In IV, members are more knowledgeable than those on that particular thread from Murthy forum. People are so ignorant that they are agreeing to whatever that JoeF( anti ) is saying. IV members are much smarter than that.


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  • tiger94
    09-22 09:36 PM

    I am in a somewhat complicated situation.
    My original H-1B status began 7/1/2008.
    My original I-797A states valid date of 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2011.
    This was with "Postdoctoral Research Associate" as job title.

    However, my department offered me a "Visiting Assistant Professor" position,
    and filed an H-1B Amendment, due to increase in salary.
    Because the offer is only until May of 2009,
    my new amended I-797A states valid date of 9/1/2008 to 5/31/2009.
    So the amended dates are "nested" within the original dates.
    They plan on doing another amendment back to my original status if the need for my lecturing is no longer needed in the department.

    I am planning to go to my home country in December to get my visa stamped. Which I-797A do I submit to the U.S. Embassy?
    My wife is also planning to come with me.
    She will try to get her visa stamped with her I-797A which as a
    valid date of 7/1/2008 to 6/30/2011.

    Will the embassy look at my most latest I-797A and give me a visa
    that expires on 5/31/2009? I was hoping that there was some way for them to consider the old I-797A and give me the full 3 years up to 2011.
    I'd appreciate it you could give me some advice.

    Thanks in advance!!!

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  • bfadlia
    02-19 02:28 PM
    You guys see everything wrong with us. If the spouse works, you will say they are taking away your jobs. If they study, you say that they pay instate fees where as you pay international fee. If they do MBA and become your manager, you will say that not only they are getting jobs, now they are bossing over us. If they stay at home, you will find wrong with that too saying that they are not doing anything but are getting all the benefits..

    It does not matter if spouses stay at home and lose years of salaries which translates to more than the international fees that some people pay. It does not matter that we have to face hurdles in each and every step of the way, be it when getting medical insurance or life insurance or while traveling. We have to renew visas every year by paying thousands, we have to renew our licences. We have to go for visa stamping even if we have gone for an emergency visit. We have to remain in the same job without growth, without promotion. Do you know it is not easy for a H4 person to get a credit card to start building credit history?.

    If you have a solution to reduce all of our pain without increasing the waiting time for ROW people say it here cause that is what we need and what USCIS will appreciate. You do not have to bring corruption and all that crap into picture. That can be another discussion. If I have to pay fees to get some things faster then I will call it nothing but organized bribery within legal framework. That is what is happening in countries which you say is less corrupt, but then why do you care, you enjoy your soccer game....

    NKR, my friend, i'm puzzled, u speak of in-state tuition, visa stamping, life insurance.. how is that different for ROWs from others, we are all the same in that, we are all the same being skilled immigrants all of us, when i complain that someone says indians and chinese are here in larger numbers because they are best and brightest and ask them to be sensitive it doesn't mean that we all suffer the same hardships.. when i state the fact that bodyshops contributed to the longer lines for some countries i don't say i'm indifferent to your suffering, but i also say it can't be fixed by making another group suffer


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  • ita
    03-31 09:34 PM
    Very nice thinking..high thinking as long as you don't want to start applying this yardstick only on Modi and end it there.If we start applying no criminal background yardstick then no politician from the current brigade will be left(assuming when you say criminal background you mean all kinds of crimes)

    In other words you are sitting on 6 th floor and Indian political scenario(to that matter political scenario else where too.e.g U.S) is on ground floor.

    Let's start doing our best so we can get the ground floor to meet 6th floor.

    Till they two meet let's work on 'every sinner has a future,every saint has a past'

    Just so you know Obama was into drugs in teens. Wouldn't it be a loss if we applied your yardstick on him ?
    Although you said you are not supporting any one of them since you kind of endorsed MMS in previous posts think about this

    which one is evil of the two : a guy accused of committing crime in the past but who got his act together and is giving good performance or a Intelligent guy knowing full well he wouldn't wield any power accepting to be a show piece/wrapper PM and taking billion people on a ride?

    I am not defending any party or person. Everybody is equally bad. Let, all the Muslims in Gujarat may start love him, and entire Gujarat may vote for him. That does not matter. My point is that those people who run for high office should not have any criminal background, despite how much qualified or skilled they are. Assume, if you involved in small domestic violence, and if you fail in small background check you will not get GC even if you are a Nobel Prize winner. Think about PM post and its responsibilities.

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  • gimmeacard
    07-21 06:18 PM
    People can loose a lot of money in this "business"... 20K in 4 years is petty... literally.

    Once you achieve some level in this business, your "uplines" start pestering you to do 300PV every month instead of 100PV. Each PV is about $2.50 + tax + Shipping so 300PV = $800 a month. Most of this $800 stuff is at least with 300% markup and many of the things that we didn't need. So even if we take $200 as waste out of $800, in 4 years, I lost $200x12x4 = $9,600

    Now, off course no one puts a gun to your head to buy 300PV but the pressure is nothing less than that. Its very hard to explain just like hard to explain the Niagara Falls experience (this example I have used many times while contacting people).


    Thanks EbiZash for explaining the details, i hear your pain, i would had jumped off the bridge after i failed in 3 months, no matter how much pressure, i would save my shirt first.

    Its time you start hearing to your wife. i lost a good fortune in stocks too, so i am no avatar here :-)


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  • dilipcr
    06-16 01:50 PM
    Easy for you to say when you are applying for your citizenship. You sir, are an idiot. And if you were really on H1 for as long as you claim, you are a mean idiot, no less.

    Retrogression is a scar on the face of EB immigration.

    Thats the reason every immigration bill so far related to EB has tried to resolve this issue. Anyone who says retrogression is good is either misinformed or a pychopathic specimen that needs instant mental evaluation, followed by treatment and observation in an asylum. The observation should continue for as long as it takes a typical EB3-India case to get approved. To paraphrase your quote: "The truly cured would still be observed until their turn for release comes"

    Why do you have to resort to calling names ? Are ad hominem arguments the best you could come up with ? Let me give you an analogous case wherein people say that a recession is a good thing. Recession occurs in order to cleanse the economy of bohemian excesses and inefficiencies. Do you think that such people are sadists and belong to the mental asylum ? Of course there are people who get affected in a recession. Does it mean it is not desired ? In a similar vein, you need to understand that there were and are huge gaping inefficiencies in the current immigration process. There has to be a way to curb these excesses and inefficiencies. Retrogression may not be the best way but it is the only way utilized right now. If you still believe that I have to subscribe to these inefficiencies despite having gone through the immigration process, I am sorry I beg to differ.

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  • Keeme
    05-01 04:19 PM
    Hi Keeme,

    My post was not about double standards BUT about opposing terrorism, it doesn't matter if its LTTE, KHALISTAN, TALIBAN or any other organisation which terrorises the society. These terrorists outfits should be handled beyond any religious, linguistic or any other consideration.
    Regarding support for common man/community, we should oppose any human rights violation against any individual/community, there shouldn't be any double standards BUT at the same time action against terrorist outfits should not be compromised.

    Correct ! Stand against injustice ! Let's discuss it out. Do you see LT ( karshimir) same as you see LTTE ? Do you feel anything for Kashimiri Pandits ?


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  • user1205
    02-15 06:31 PM
    probably true but because most of them are on H4 which means someone else in their family is H1.

    I think it was reported that students from India is the largest % of students in US universities.

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  • vivid_bharti
    09-03 03:15 PM
    It really does not matter if you are a doctor or a compounder... Running a state or a country is a different thing altogether, you need different skills and this man had that. He was a self made man risen from the soil. But on the bad side he was the king of the corrupts. Most of the Indian politicians are Illiterate. This guy is a medical doctor by profession.
    Loved by poor people. Hated by the fundamentalists and Naxals. Most of the AP politicians are corrupt including former PM P.V. N RAO.


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  • richana
    07-30 01:44 AM
    Met this dude once in a grocery store, he and his hot wife gave me the amway speil. I said listen buddy give me a time to visit your house and number. I called him and we played phone tag, one day I called and his wife picked up, i ASKED IF i could come, she was hesitant and said he was out of state for a conference but I convinced her that it's ok. When I arrived I brought a bottle of wine and then she was all over me in 5 mins. Sigh what a wonderful time....

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  • gcfriend65
    08-31 10:12 AM
    For the Police certificate at the Indian consulate, do they keep the passport for 45 days i.e. until clearance is received. Or do we get the passport back the same day on which we apply and then the certificate is sent later.

    I am doing my Canadian Immigration myself.

    It is fairly a simple and straightforward process. So my advice is "Do it yourself". Immigration lawyers do normally charge more that $1000 and make mistakes.

    Since it takes around 1.5 years for the entire process to complete, send the application as soon as possible. Dont wait for gathering all the document! That will ensure that you get a early priority date. If more documents are needed, they will ask you. (Most people sent English Proficiency and Police Certificates after submitting the application, though they are required to be part of the initial application)

    I can describe the procedure:

    1. Calculate your points based on the information on Canada Immigration website. If it is more that 67, you are good.

    2. To prove English proficiency, take IELTS test. You need to register for the test as soon as possible since some centers are always full. (Some of my friends who studied in USA skipped IELTS - rather they wrote a letter stating that they are proficient in English as they studied/worked in USA)

    3. Make sure you have the required funds. It's around $13,000 for a 2 member family. (Again check the Canadian Immigration website for accurate info)

    4. Get experience letters if you are claiming experience.

    5. Get Birth Certificates and Police Certificates. If you are an Indian, the link you need to look for is http://www.indianembassy.org/newsite/misc_guide.asp

    6. Though they do ask you to send US FBI Police Certificates, do it later. (They will ask you for updated FBI Police Certificates evenif you submit it earlier)

    7. Fill the forms, attach the documents and send it!!!!

    Visit http://www.canada-city.ca/canada-immigration/ or
    http://www.immigration.ca/discussion/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=4 for further discussions.


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  • morchu
    06-13 11:10 AM

    There are no excuses. You are closing the doors behind and trying to forget the path you came through.

    Have you heard about globalization? We are not there yet, but that is inevitable. People and humanity are beyond the boundaries of countries or governments.

    If a "low-cost" person can do the same job as you, and the employer is happy with the quality of the job, there is NO reason for you to cash-in more for the same job. Nobody is superior. Everybody deserves their chances, irrespective of their education or college or economic background.

    I can understand similar wordings from non-thinking public who never had to face real human issues or have seen dirt of poverty. But that coming from somebody who went through the hardworking path is unbelievable.

    Protectionalism comes from the mere thinking that, some deserve a better and easier life just because they happen to be "born" at some place, or because they happen to be there "earlier", and don't want to be threatened by smarter / hardworking humanity.

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  • hiralal
    06-15 09:36 PM
    Just hang on to your jobs or find a job if you loose one. You will get your GC. GC shouldn't stop you from pursuing your interests buying house or starting a business, there are always ways to do it.
    I am guessing that your intention is good but the advice is BAD (to put it mildly).
    Find a new job if you are on H1 / or even EAD -- first try the same and then let us know.
    regarding buying house - if you are welder from Korea - sure go ahead even if you PD is 2006. if from China / India -- just forget it for the time being ... it will add too much stress in your life ..better have the money in liquid form. it is good to be optimistic but you need to be a realist first ..as others have said, if they cannot print a plastic green card for you then it is foolish for you to invest your hard earned money in real estate

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  • pappu
    06-02 10:46 AM
    country quota is not racial discrimination...u must be a fool to say that.

    To change the country quota..they have to change the whole philosophy of immigration in this country... Equal opportunity for all...

    Its absurd to try to change the country quota..we must try for recapture..instead..

    Then how do you explain no country quotas for undocumented in CIR?

    We need to strongly oppose reasons that we hear in favor of quotas because country quota is discriminatory.

    10-24 10:17 AM
    Ok got it thanks Amoljak

    So then that is the only way one can SELL you an approved LC?

    Yes... other than some rare outright frauds who make counterfeit LCs etc. But they always get caught, because their scams are so stupid...

    06-16 06:51 AM
    Easy for you to say when you are applying for your citizenship. You sir, are an idiot. And if you were really on H1 for as long as you claim, you are a mean idiot, no less.

    Retrogression is a scar on the face of EB immigration.

    Thats the reason every immigration bill so far related to EB has tried to resolve this issue. Anyone who says retrogression is good is either misinformed or a pychopathic specimen that needs instant mental evaluation, followed by treatment and observation in an asylum. The observation should continue for as long as it takes a typical EB3-India case to get approved. To paraphrase your quote: "The truly cured would still be observed until their turn for release comes"

    I agree with you. This guy applied his GC in 2001 and got it in 2003. In just 2 years. He made a stupid decision to leave MSFT and then lost 3 jobs in a short span. He is some nut mental case who is happy seeing others getting screwed. Maybe he works his way up by pushing others down.