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  • PavanV
    08-18 05:10 PM
    This my personal take on it, I want a GC, i have been in this country for the past 8 years, landed in 2001 finished my masters and have been employed since then. Life is good here, well thats what i think, sometimes better than home (i still call, because i was born there), i am not dissatisfied with the money i am making, although i think i get underpaid (i work in southern calif as permanent employee).
    I came to this country so that i can survive in life, i.e. too much competition in India which means you need to really work hard to keep up with the competition (i am really lazy :D) , now with the fight for GC and all, added with the daily stress and chores, i am really thinking is the effort worth the reward, i keep getting this thoughts, i mean i am the only one with the thought that the effort/patience/sacrifice is not equal to the result ?.
    I really wonder if all this is worth it, the stress is just too much. Reading other's stories makes me laud their patience, i know my struggle has just started, kudos to others who are still holding on :)

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  • urdost
    09-04 10:41 AM
    My checks got cashed on friday (NSC). more info in my signature...

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  • luckysiri
    04-14 09:03 PM
    Thanks you all for the responses and help. We are searching for employers who can help me out in the situation. Most of them are thinking twice bcoz I am pregnant and have to take maternity leave within a 2- 3 weeks.

    Which will be the good option for me in this situation H1 transfer or EAD? I have EAD in hand, but never used. I like to maintain the status of H1-B as long as time permits. My husband is going to get health information next week once he joined in the job.

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  • PavanV
    10-11 01:01 AM

    Looks like we are in minority :), I guess people need to be educated about legalities of the immigration system, just because one applies for a green card , or one gets a Green card, he/she does not become part of the country.
    Please remember this folks, till you become citizens you are still representing your home country :), and BharatPremi mentioned US of A only expects that you don't indulge in any activities that the government lists as against the US of A, after all we are all here only because the country allowed us in because they perceive there is a need for high skilled labor, letting us contribute and at the same time benefit from this huge economy,we are at their discretion legally, and they can show us the door just as the way it was opened to let us in, just because you are here does not mean you can demand rights :) and call this your home country, that is what the illegals do. I am sorry for sounding so depressing, I witnessed a mass layoff at my company and a lot of my friends (Americans) who are very senior folks were let go, I was spared, somehow that is hurting my conscience, and I am not in a position either to voluntarily give up my job.I want everybody to be happy, and prosper, layoffs reflect the ugly side of capitalism, the weak and old are exploited.

    All the best in your immigration process folks, you will need all the luck to stay here.
    Sarve jano sukhino bava (Let everybody be happy)

    Can you please provide us any link or legal constitutional document from any legal organization in India and USA which states that Patriotic Indian ( For the sake of argument Indian) should not apply for US Green Card ( Permanent residency)? Or for that matter can you legally proove that not applying for US GC is the barometer of patriotism towards India for an Indian?

    Do you have any reading comprehension capabilities?

    Read the first sentence of following link and let me know what do you comprehend?

    Your lesson for US immigration starts from here.

    USCIS - Green Card (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=ae853ad15c673210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCR D&vgnextchannel=ae853ad15c673210VgnVCM100000082ca60a RCRD)

    Best Luck.


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  • Suva
    05-25 04:50 PM
    Myself and my friend are eager to join with guys at DC. We are still not confirmed due to work pressure. Is there anybody to give us a lift from NJ. We are located in central NJ.

    What is everyone doing about hotel stay at DC?


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  • eb2dec2005
    04-15 12:31 PM
    Well, last year i was in a similar situation too ,actually worse than yours.My project ended in February '08.Then i went to India for 4 months. After i got back , my employer refused to pay for my health inssurance.I opted for COBRA and was paying 1200$ for my family , with my husband and child listed as dependants.I attended several interviews,while I was expecting my second child . Though its against the law, many were skeptical in employing me as a consultant during this time. I was very lucky to get a full time offer using my EAD, where my health coverage started after 60 days .All this time, without a project , i was paying through my nose for the health insurance using COBRA.

    Ofcourse, i never bothered to inform my employer about my new employement.(Do i need to??)One fine day, i get an update on my H1 application , that the case has been reopened for review , and i get to know through my employer that he has CANCELLED my H1(got a 3 year extension based an approved I140).He did not give me chance to transfer it, inspite of me working rather slogging for 4 years , during which he shamelessly took the overtime money i earned as part of the billing.Though, i feel cheated,used etc etc.... but i did nothing. What could i have done?
    All through my journey in this GC process, i have had bitter experiences with desi employers.Though i've been in this country for 10 long years, i am still sitting waiting for my GC with the PD of Dec '05!! The previous employer, said he was filing my GC under EB2 but actually used EB3. And he also was willing to 'sell me my labor' for 12k!!!!! when i requested for retaining the PD. I coulddo nothing..
    I am not writing all this to vent my anger but to make you think that there could be other worse things happening to us.

    Also can somebody educate me on the 'stimulus' ,please?(pardon my ignorance)



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  • apnair2002
    04-12 03:34 PM
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Please contribute to immigration voice...

    Please sign up for recurring contribution .This message is for the non contributing members ...

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  • belmontboy
    01-15 04:03 PM
    When I posted that reply I didn't for once think it could be taken as anything other than a joke! If you are going through a debate in your mind whether its a joke or not, then I will have to revisit what I wrote to see what it is I am missing :)

    :D thanks for clarifying, i was planning to shoot you :D


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  • singhsa3
    09-20 09:29 AM
    I fully resonate with gc_chahiye;169769 . People like GooblyWoobly are good for nothing. They have no right to pick on one of our distinguish ,well respected and an active member. The Rally have been quite successful and have made people think about our issue.
    Unfortunately, people like GooblyWoobly will also be benefited by the hard work of people like Franklin.

    "Those people???". What do you mean by that? These are people who are trying to get permanent residency on their own right, based on the skills they have honed for years. I don't like the condescending tone of your voice. What makes you better?

    ok, that really ticks me off. This post is probably going to get me a red splotch, but you should'nt have picked on Franklin:
    I think all the work that Franklin did in preparation for the Rally and then at the Rally itself makes it obvious that she is better than most of the IV members (me included) who could not make it to the Rally.

    If you dont like the condescending tone of the voice of someone who has worked hard for IVs goals, feel free to stop coming to IV and posting here. Honestly why should someone here care about whether you like the voice or not when the voice speaks the truth?

    Look at all the blog posts and pictures of the DC Rally before saying anything against any of the volunteers who worked at the rally. unlike the people who are "trying to get permanent residency on their own right" these dedicated bunch of IV volunteers are trying to get permanent residency soon for all of us. See the photos, the videos of the speeches and then talk.

    What Franklin meant by that post (I think) was that IV is much more than a discussion board for reports of who signed whose Fedex package and what was the timestamp of the package. Its very important that we all actively participate in getting IVs goals met. The rally was a big, for-the-first-time event, and still people seem more excited by tracking receipt notices, and the short-sightedness of it all has made many people ticked off. The turnout could easily have been higher (like someone said, see the lines to the doctors office for getting medicals done when the dates were current, and compare that with how many showed up at the rally).

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  • uma001
    11-03 03:05 PM
    If you have Citibank account in india, ask your parents or friends to deposit money into that account. Then you can withdraw money in dollars in citibank ATMs at 7-11 here in US since, Thats what i do.


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  • kaisersose
    07-09 11:29 AM
    I am trying to understand something here..... I had consultation with murthy lawyers and they told me that there is no law written anywhere that states that the employer must revoke I-140 if the employees is laid-off or is not working with them anymore. I was laid off and my company is determined to revoke I-140 because thats what Fragomen lawyers suggest. I am having a hard time understanding why would they want to cause problems for me when I am not even leaving on my own and got affected because of layoff.

    Does anyone use Fragomen and could ask their attorneys this question whether a company is required or obligated by law to revoke I-140. That way I can try to convince my company's attorney that another attorney within same law firm have different opinion

    Everyone who changes jobs under the protection of AC21, must do so under the assumption that the sponsoring 140 will be revoked.

    It is not a matter of our convenience. If you quit the sponsoring employer and he has no intention of hiring you again after your GC, then what is the sense in him retaining your 140 for no reason? It only adds complexity to some employers as dangling 140s are counted to evaluate their ability to pay. So even if it is not law, it makes sense for employers to revoke 140s of employees who quit them.

    AC21 protects you from such a revoked 140. We have seen some cases where revoking the 140 - even after the 180 day mark - has resulted in 485 denial. This is a mistake from CIS and is easily fixed.

    Expecting the previous employer to hold on to your 140 is not very different from expecting him to keep your you previous job open for you - just in case.

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  • franklin
    06-15 09:06 PM
    [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]From numerous visits to USCIS facilities, the Ombudsman has observed that adjudicators prefer to work on the cases that are easiest to complete. Adjudicators pick the �low hanging fruit� first because supervisors base performance evaluations on the number of cases completed. Consequently, adjudicators put aside the most difficult and time-intensive cases. These cases remain pending, perhaps for years, while backlog reduction appears generally to be succeeding.

    Is there any information on what an "easy" case is?


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  • champu
    01-26 05:38 PM
    Hope is the new word americans learnt...
    we should learn it too.

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  • apnair2002
    05-05 08:25 PM


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  • happyfeet
    03-25 10:54 AM
    Dear friends

    For every one of us getting GC is a nightmare. Though USCIS follows a system, I feel it is not correctly followed. Also I noticed that people who have filed before the PERM process are really suffering. There are people who are in EB3, waiting for more than 9-10 years, keeping hope and anxiously waiting.

    I feel that we should write to USCIS to clear all the pending GC�s (EB2, EB3) filed before PERM (March 31, 2005) need to be processed before they take up any cases filed in PERM.

    This will certainly make the process rational.

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  • maximus777
    07-02 12:09 AM
    These ppl are talking about giving amnesty to ILLEGALS...let me repeat it.. amnesty=award for being ILLEGAL. They have done that before and all of a sudden we F'KIN LEGAL TEMP WORKERS from India/China have to worry about the LEGAL aspect of filing a law-suit.

    Something is seriously screwed up with this. This is no different than a pseudo-SLAVERY. Now all of a sudden most of you will say, no one put a gun on your head to work. Ofcourse not, but why hell do they create a dual intent H1FU?K Visa where they show you the carrot and create a indentured servant system and discriminate on the basis of the country of your birth. It is discrimination. Trust me when there was SLAVERY in the US , it was defined LEGAL.

    Very well put - could not agree with you more.


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  • PresidentO
    04-02 11:10 AM
    IV needs to come out with a action plan or tell what it intends to do with the donations. once they are more open, donations will flow. I know IV is non profit org but that does not mean that funds cannot be misused. (I need more red dots please :))

    Yes! I agree Paying for bandwidth that is used by folks such as you is misuse.

    Troll and Troll until Grasshopper kicks your sorry A$$ out some where

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  • hetuweb
    10-23 09:36 PM
    whats ur pd? eb3 or eb2? which country? ??????

    hi eb3retro.

    when and where u filed for ur h-1b 7th year extension and when it approved?
    i filed on july 12, 2007 to vermont, still waiting for 7th yr, extension approval.

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  • mrajatish
    04-26 01:13 AM
    My heartfelt gratitude for your tremendous effort. Hum honghhe kameyab - we will be successful.

    07-19 11:57 AM
    PD: Feb 04, EB3
    I-140 Pending
    I-485 - Delivered on July 2nd, 9.01 AM; NSC

    08-22 06:44 PM
    Here is what i think ........USCIS works and approves according to RD till 140/485 approval. After this they hand over the case to DOS for visa issuance who work according to PD when allocating visa numbers. Correct me if i am wrong.