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  • sapota
    09-22 09:38 PM
    The suggestion for multiple simultaneous rallies didnt get pushed before DC rally as it would have possibly diluted DC rally attendance. But It looks like multiple simultaneous rallies will have an huge impact since

    -people can travel to their nearest location so more attendance
    -simultaneous local media coverage + more national media coverage
    -sum of parts greater than the total.

    Possible locations -
    West Coast - Bay area & Seattle
    Midwest - Chicago?
    Southwest - Dallas, Austin or Houston
    Northeast - NY?
    Southeast - Atlanta?

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  • raj3078
    07-18 10:14 AM
    Hi eager_immi, thank you for your reply. See here is the situation, let's say for very personal reasons, we cannot get married before Sept 2007, then, what are my options?

    Thank you,

    As I understand it correctly, you have a very personal reason for not getting married before Sept 07. I have to say that in that case, go ahead and at least file for your green card, that way you create one more option of applying through family based, even if it means 6-7 years of waiting period. Ideally you would like her to come to states at least for 2-3 business days to get court marriage and filing of docs, but if thats not the case then this is your best option.

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  • luckysiri
    04-15 10:15 AM
    Thanks hpandey and apume. Your suggestions are very helpful. I will definitely take FMLA and take the leave for 3 months. Once the baby is born, I will try to get into new job ASAP.

    I don't want anyone to be discriminated like me in the future. I know how painful it is as I am facing it now. I am hardly getting sleep and worried about my baby becoz of all the stress.

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  • GCNirvana007
    08-24 04:05 PM
    yes, our lawyer send a letter.

    You have been current so many times - did you ever take an infopass, talk to congressman, ombudsman, senator, calling USCIS etc. Did you do any of those?. Whats your I-485 receipt date?


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  • drona
    10-05 07:07 PM
    I have sent another email to the editor. Although they have provided an "Amplification" section under this article that says that the item wasn’t intended to imply high-skilled workers are illegal immigrants, the paragraph in which they report the poll result on illegal immigration went under the bold heading "High-Tech Employers". They should either correct this paragraph to exclude any mention of illegal immigration or change the bold heading to a more appropriate general heading on immigration issues.

    To their credit, the editor has added a comment for further reading on the legal limbo faced by foreign-born scientists from a page one story written last year.


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  • coopheal
    03-10 01:59 PM
    The poor response is because we are not together and we truly do not believe in our goal. With the assumption that 90% of IV members are Indians, I can safely say this is innate in our culture - we want to get the benefit without working for it AND once we get the benefit, we give a damn about the rest of "them". :mad:

    I do not see you being listed as a donor.


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  • gcisadawg
    02-23 02:52 PM
    For heaven's sake, let us understand that slumdog is a play on the word "underdog from slum"....The protagonist is from an impoverished background (slum) that had a near impossible shot at winning the contest (underdog)!

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  • nshantha
    07-19 09:54 AM
    My application was also received by NSC on Jul 2nd at 7:55 AM

    My details are:

    EB3/Jun 2004
    Reciept Not received


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  • sujijag
    03-03 11:01 AM
    I sent an email to info at immigrationvoice.org on my AC21 issue. Can you Pls. let me know if IV could help me.

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  • nb_des
    06-18 02:27 PM
    I am planning to file EAD/AP for my wife who is on H4 along with adjustment of status application. Will she continue on her H4 status till she gets EAD/AP?


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  • swami_nag
    02-15 05:09 PM

    I've been hearing a lot of banter about the L1 Vs H1-B the fact remains both these categories are badly abused, it doesnt matter who is the bigger evil. I would tend to agree that L1 has a worse abuse rate however.

    The issue however is that these so called "high skilled" visas arent high skilled anymore. If you closely look at the people coming in I would bet a majority of them who came during the dot com era didnt even have basic engineering degrees , and a huge majority of those coming in now have these degrees but from institutions which are completely crappy, the college plays a big role in framing who you are and yeah people can argue "there are bright students" in these colleges, but they are just plain minimal at best. So bottomline a majority of these are not highly skilled or talented people.

    When the H1-B was conceived it was supposed to pave its way really skilled engineers with excellent credentials and it is not the case anymore, if you are going to tell me things like QA and Data Warehousing need mind boggling skills I think I can just have a good laugh at it. The local citizens are very much capable of executing on them. These jobs account for a huge majority of the software based jobs in the US, yes this is not the only category for H1-B jobs but software accounts for a big chunk.

    I think of the H1-B visa as something analogous to getting into the best schools in India or the best schools out here, you cannot be crappy and get admitted to those schools, neither can you pay shit loads of money and get admitted, and this is what is happening. Consultants bringing in people from wherever charging them a huge sum of money filing for their H1-B and then looking out for a job for them, the only skill here is the consultants skill in finding the person a job :-). The new trend is the students with masters degrees from here getting placed in a job which is completely against what they specialised in, if a student after his/her masters doesnt find a job its either his badluck or he just wasnt good enough even after a masters and just isnt ineligible and these consultants have found a way to place the inept students as well which sucks at best. I do not agree with the notion of good consultants, every consultant abuses the employment based Visa system, and I am for a cap on L1-B visa's or a limit thats decided by the number of employees a firm employs in the US.

    So unless USCIS see's a way of somehow screening out the best and the brightest and weed out these consultants so only the best and brightest are brought in, I can vouch that a majority of the American Technology companies (Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, Qualcomm etal) do not abuse the H1-B system neither do they undercut wages. In the end they fail to meet their hiring needs since the system is flooded with so may people who do not deserve to get in.

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  • Kodi
    06-28 04:04 PM
    1. If your labor was filed in Nov 06 or earlier then you can file for 7th year extension (based on rule that labor pending for more than 365 days)
    2. I'm not 100% sure but i think when your labor is approved if PDs are current, you can file i-140, 485, EAD together and get EAD by before your visa expires and you would be fine.
    3. Labor substitution will not be allowed after July 17th, and there are a lot approved labors whose beneficiaries have left the company. Employers are willing to use these labors for whatever they get (excuse me!). If you really want to stay in US, find an approved labor with PD older than Nov 06 and then file I140/485/EAD, if you don't get EAD by Dec 07 then file 7th year ext based on the GC pending more than 365 days. Hurry up for labor..

    Aren't you allow to extend your H1 if your I-140 is approved and I-485 is pending?


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  • waitingnwaiting
    05-31 11:08 AM
    EB3 is not working, because we have no hope, not because we all went back or have ported.

    Say only EB3 India. not whole EB3. EB3 ROW have no problems.
    If EB3 India have no hope then why do they visit forums, check visa bulletin every month, ask questions if something is going to happen?

    Should they be stoppoing it and forgetting greencard if they have no hope?

    EB3 are doing on the oppsosite because they have hope. So do not lie to yourself and use it an excuse to not do anything.

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  • sorcerer666
    04-21 02:45 PM
    Honestly though, OP's proposed law would get much more congressional support than EB reform.

    If first you gave amnesty, and then allowed ppl to sponsor their parents on a GC, the illegal immigrant lobby would be very very happy.

    True, but the OP isn't proposing a law, if you read the first post, she is asking for permission :D with this kind of knowledge, such things will die in her inbox!


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  • logiclife
    01-06 03:01 AM
    So you want a Greencard? Before you are too old to actually do something with it?

    You've worked all your life to get something decent back. Went to decent schools, worked hard in your 10th and 12th grade, earned your bachelors. Now what?

    "Hey, Look, US is hiring IT people". 24 hours of flight. You land in America. Life is one sweet deal. You are making money in dollars. Japanese cars. Japanese cellphone. American salary. Italian food. Camcorders. Big Screens. Nice laptops. Las Vegas. Cruises. Pride in work. Pround parents at home.

    Life is swell.

    But then its temporary. You need green-card to make it permenant. Then our of nowhere, the word "Retrogression" hits you and ruins your party. You start praying. Look at visa bulletins. Make sure you stop browsing too much internet at work and start working harder to make sure your project lasts longer and you can keep extending your H1s forever.

    There is ANOTHER WAY. Its called REACTING to the problem by DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
    People like you and I, who have lost our sleep due to retrogression have gathered together and joined hands to pool resources and hire a professional lobbyist to help push legislation in congress that will raise EB Greencard quota and allow you to file for I-485 even if priority dates are not current.

    The organization is www.immigrationvoice.org.

    Go there. Read the mission of the org. Its non-profit. Its free to join/volunteer and contribute your thoughts. See if its something you can relate to. If you feel comfortable and can trust, then contribute money. If not then you can still post on threads and forums and contribute your thoughts and give ideas. It still beats sitting and doing nothing about something that hurts us so much. After all that you have been thru, why stop now and sulk? Why not act?

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  • caydee
    05-22 08:12 PM
    $100.00 Paypal transaction ID #87H816341N4114833

    Contributions to date - $220 (from Dec 06)


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  • 21stIcon
    02-19 04:37 PM
    Cash Surrender Value
    The sum of money an insurance company will pay to the policyholder or annuity holder in the event his or her policy is voluntarily terminated before its maturity or the insured event occurs. This cash value is the savings component of most permanent life insurance policies, particularly whole life insurance policies. Also known as "cash value", "surrender value" and "policyholder's equity".

    Cash surrender value applies to the savings element of whole life insurance policies that are payable before death. However, during the early years of a whole life insurance policy, the savings portion brings very little return compared to the premiums paid.

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  • sunny1000
    07-09 02:26 PM
    All those who have not send the flowers....please do so.....
    Aaj nahin uthogey toh kab uthogey....

    JUST DO IT !!!!

    as somebody was suggesting in another thread, can you please post your comments in English for non-hindi speakers like me. Thanks.

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  • wrldnw4me
    02-24 04:13 PM

    It was my second contribution...


    01-13 01:58 PM
    Eb2 have never moved beyond may 2004.. so until it goes past that.. these movements are not really worth anything.. it has to overcome that resistance.. then maybe 2005 will be a reality


    Slow and steady is good in contrast to arbitrary, jerky movements, suddenly forward and then suddenly backward into the ice age, which does only harm and no good to anyone. Like they did it in July 07 and then closed down the gates.

    I'm hoping EB2-I marches right into 2005.
    Hopefully, EB3-I will also see forward movements well into 2002. Let's keep all our fingers crossed.

    07-31 01:05 PM
    The document was published on April 30th 2008 , its a year old document means nothing at this moment of time.

    Well - from what I understand is that - these are the low hanging fruits - just like how you optimize time and resources, they pick candidates that are approvable and and utilize the time to process.

    It is actually meaningless unless they make it public - say - send a letter saying that your case is preadjudicated and all we are doing here is waiting for the number.

    If it is something internal - then well as long as your file is lying on the shelf waiting for visa availability internal policies may change anytime.

    The entire preadjudication thing was started at the peak of economic turmoil - some say it was planned to weed out as many bad apples as possible from the GC queue by issuing denials, noids and rfes - if this is the case - then this will continue to happen as long as economy does not improve and job market is still bad.